Thursday, October 31, 2019

LUCID DREAMING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LUCID DREAMING - Essay Example Our focus will be on how these lucid dreams occur along with the research analysis of Lewis; Lewis has discovered that while our body rests the brain starts to revise the tasks performed during the day, the second part of the discovery shows how it focuses more on the traumatic events and modifies them and finally she reveals how the mind forces a connection between distant concepts (Lewis, 2013). We would merge the symptoms of occurrence of lucid dreams with the Lewis discoveries in our examples below; and would conclude how these commercial and public messages emerge known dreams. Women of today age are easily distracted by the beauty product advertisements and often have lucid dreams; I would discuss about L’oreal total repair 5 shampoo ad; the ad states that the shampoo can repair five issues and would give the hair restored fiber, stronger grip, vitality, silky and shiny touch. Women especially young girls with hair problems start to consciously dream about such hairs as shown during the ads; they would take bad hairs as a weak area would modify it with thinking of them as healthy hair and would relate the two concepts. They would start to dream that they have long and shining hairs that could be easily taken out of a pony and would attract so many people around them. This is how the ad plays with that section of the body that the mind wants to change or has been changing constantly (Shen, 2010). Bharia Town is considered as one of the pioneers in development and construction work; it has made its advertisements in a manner that would make the buyer believe that they are just a drive away from their dream town and dream place; in the article under discussion about Sector D of Lahore; it is shown that the plots are ready to for possessions; Bharia would provide them with easy installment plans and the sector is develop with all the facilities such as commercial area and entertainment areas

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Values and Planning Essay Example for Free

Values and Planning Essay In this first part of my assignment I will be explaining the different values and principles that are applied in care planning and how they will enable the provision of holistic support for service users. Providing direct care/ meeting and supporting the individuals needs Meeting the individual’s needs, making sure that they recognise and promote the rights of the individual and making sure that they have a right to make choices and engaging in having their needs met are all important in social care. Independence and the wellbeing of the individual using their services should be promoted by the professional so full potential is achieved. The professional should also take part in assessments to ensure the safety and protection of their client. When identifying the individual’s needs, it helps you to create a care plan for them so that their needs are met. A professional should pay them regular visits. On these visits they may identify that the environment that they are living in is not suitable for them. All the information collected would help them to make decisions on what arrangements need to be made to meet their needs. Promotion of choice Every individual should have the right to make their own choices and what they want to do. The choices could be things such as what activities they want to take part for that day. They could do this independently or with assistance if wanted. Promotion of rights In a health and social care environment, individuals all have the rights to choice, confidentiality and to also have their individuality acknowledged and respected. Some of the rights that they have are to be able to voice their opinions and for any form of communication received to be effective. Also to be able to practice their culture and religious beliefs. Policies and procedures of the organisation that is providing them with care should be available for access to all the individuals and if they feel that their needs are not being met they can make a complaint. Recognition of preferences It is important to find out and recognise vulnerable people’s preferences when providing them with care. When their preferences are stated then the support that they want to receive will be offered to them. When vulnerable people’s preferences are acknowledged, working with them becomes more effectively. Respect for religious and beliefs, moral beliefs, values and culture In health and social care sector there is a wide range of behaviours and beliefs that should be recognised and valued. Professionals and the people receiving the care all come from different backgrounds. By law all organisations in the health and social care sector have to respect and value every individual’s religion, beliefs and culture. They need to embrace diversity and demonstrate to their workers and patients. Confidentiality Everyone has the rights to privacy and privacy over their personal details. It is important to keep all information about individuals confidential. This is a legal requirement and also shows that they value and respect their patients who are receiving care from them. The only time when information can be passed on would be if there is an occasion when it has to be passed onto another agency. When doing this the individual must be informed that this information is being passed on. Fulfilling responsibilities Policies and procedures must be followed by every individual working in the health and social care following this, they will make sure that they are safeguarding that are in their care. They also have requirements that they have to meet, to protect the people within their care. P1 In this first part of my assignment I will be explaining the different values and principles that are applied in care planning and how they will enable the provision of holistic support for service users. Providing direct care/ meeting and supporting the individuals needs Meeting the individual’s needs, making sure that they recognise and promote the rights of the individual and making sure that they have a right to make choices and engaging in having their needs met are all important in social care. Independence and the wellbeing of the individual using their services should be promoted by the professional so full potential is achieved. The professional should also take part in assessments to ensure the safety and protection of their client. When identifying the individual’s needs, it helps you to create a care plan for them so that their needs are met. A professional should pay them regular visits. On these visits they may identify that the environment that they ar e living in is not suitable for them. All the information collected would help them to make decisions on what arrangements need to be made to meet their needs. Promotion of choice Every individual should have the right to make their own choices and what they want to do. The choices could be things such as what activities they want to take part for that day. They could do this independently or with assistance if wanted. Promotion of rights In a health and social care environment, individuals all have the rights to choice, confidentiality and to also have their individuality acknowledged and respected. Some of the rights that they have are to be able to voice their opinions and for any form of communication received to be effective. Also to be able to practice their culture and religious beliefs. Policies and procedures of the organisation that is providing them with care should be available for access to all the individuals and if they feel that their needs are not being met they can make a complaint. Recognition of preferences It is important to find out and recognise vulnerable people’s preferences when providing them with care. When their preferences are stated then the support that they want to receive will be offered to them. When vulnerable people’s preferences are acknowledged, working with them becomes more effectively. Respect for religious and beliefs, moral beliefs, values and culture In health and social care sector there is a wide range of behaviours and beliefs that should be recognised and valued. Professionals and the people receiving the care all come from different backgrounds. By law all organisations in the health and social care sector have to respect and value every individual’s religion, beliefs and culture. They need to embrace diversity and demonstrate to their workers and patients. Confidentiality Everyone has the rights to privacy and privacy over their personal details. It is important to keep all information about individuals confidential. This is a legal requirement and also shows that they value and respect their patients who are receiving care from them. The only time when information can be passed on would be if there is an occasion when it has to be passed onto another agency. When doing this the individual must be informed that this information is being passed on. Fulfilling responsibilities Policies and procedures must be followed by every individual working in the health and social care following this, they will make sure that they are safeguarding that are in their care. They also have requirements that they have to meet, to protect the people within their care.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

About diamond

About diamond Introduction â€Å"A diamond is forever† (De Beers Group, 2008) is likely to be one of the best known slogans the mining industry has ever had. Sixty years after the foundation of the De Beers Consolidated Mines in South Africa (CMSA) in 1888 (Epstein, 1982) this slogan represents a campaign aimed at marketing the sale of De Beers diamonds. In the early twentieth century the British South African company monopolised giving them the control over the majority of the worlds diamond supply. To establish the monopoly, Ernest Oppenheimer, considered as â€Å"prototype of the multinational businessman: German by birth, British by naturalization, Jewish by religion, and South African by residence† has perceived that the only way to increase the value of diamonds is to make them scarce† (Epstein, 1982) in 1910. Ernest Oppenheimer has so far laid the foundation for De Beers business strategy of controlling supply that lasted for nearly one century facilitating the process of becoming an international cartel in the late 1930 years. Within the following twenty years, De Beers monopolised the natural diamond industry on a global scale. The company monitored all pipe mines, was â€Å"fully backed by the British, Belgian and French governments [and was considered as] the official channel for the diamond trade† (Epstein, 1982) among all other governments. This distinction only lasted until the 1990s when first threats menaced the monopoly. De Beers has been put face to face with the loss of its position in the worlds diamond producing industry hence they had to cope with a dwindling reputation. To counter this negative trend which not only existed for the diamond industry but also among customers the De Beers Group had to react. Therefore, this business report is going to examine the factors behind any changes that have taken place in the structure of the companys value chain in recent years. It will also explain the reasoning behind any points made. To support the reasoning different business frameworks will be use. The Global Value Chain Competitive Advantage and Value Chain Michael E. Porter, professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, analyses the basis of competitive advantage in his book â€Å"Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance†, that was published in 1998. He explained that it is the companys competitive advantage that leads to value creation, hence to gain leverage among competitors in their particular market segment (Porter, 1998). Porter points out two general distinctions of competitive advantage: either a company can offer benefits at a lower cost than the rival which is called cost advantage or the company surpasses the benefits that are delivered by the competitor which is a differentiation advantage. To create a competitive advantage, irrespective of its nature, so to say by cost or differentiation the business fields resources and capabilities to finally create superior value. To visualise this issue, one can take in regard the resource-based view in the following simplified model (QuickMBA, 2009). Contemplating Fig. 1 there is still one step missing before competitive advantage is attained. It is realised by a range of value creating activities which Porter identified as value chain. He further found out that a company needed to outperform one or more of those activities that are above the overall value which ascertains the company being ahead of its competitors (QuickMBA, 2009). To get a better understanding of what the value chain contains and expresses one should have a look at the figure below that was adapted from (Porter, 1998). Continued The value chain aims at creating the highest possible value for the company and is the last step to gain a competitive advantage as seen in Fig.1. There can be different reasons why a company may add or even lose value. Throughout the years of business, the firm may have to undertake measures to make a change in the firms value chain (e.g. due to external factors). One of these external factors can be the time – in virtue of changing circumstances in the business environment, or a special market. The company needs to move with the times to stay competitive. A negative example that may cause a change in value can be the chaining of unfortunate events (e.g. collapsing market, contract termination with major producers, new competition, and consumers taste shift). This chain of unfortunate events would engender dire consequences that may conduce a company to consider changing or restructuring its value chain to haul itself out of the loophole. In the following section Porters theory of competitive advantage and the value chain will be applied on the particular case of De Beers. Afterwards, any factors of the past decade it will be looked at in detail. These factors include any event that occasioned De Beers to react quickly to a negative trend of falling market share and worsening reputation and consequently how the company dealt with the situation to stop this thread. De Beers Competitive Advantage and Value Chain De Beersoperates since its foundation in the late 19th century as already mentioned in the introduction. From scratch it followed a successful strategy that helped controlling the vast majority of the worlds diamond supply and being market leader since the beginning of its operations. In Fig. 3 is shown briefly how De Beers created its competitive advantage over competitors and how the company managed to acquire a market share of some 85% (Irwin, 2001). The activities that created value and in what way the success story of De Beers continued will be explained subsequently. Before analysing the value chain it is expedient to have a look at the De Beers Family of Companies (De Beers, Family of Companies, 2009) showing every single member that is at some extent involved in the companys operations. Looking at Fig.4 one can see that the Anglo American Group, the Central Holdings Group and the Government of the Republic Botswana are the shareholders of the De Beers socià ©tà © anonyme (De Beers sa). The companys head office is located in Luxembourg managing and monitoring the entire business whereas commercial activities are executed from subsidiaries in different parts of the world (De Beers Group, 2008). The Family of Companies is integrated across the breadth of the global diamond value chain. This covers exploration of deposits, sorting and valueing rough diamonds as well as cutting and polishing diamonds. We will have a closer look at these single instances in a little while. De Beers sa shareholders owned and controlled JV and independently subsidiaries and divisions managed subsidiaries Since we now got to know of which arms the Family of Companies consists we can examine De Beers value chain presenting slight changes from Porter De Beers adapted to its business. Since De Beers focused more and more on creating demand rather than controlling supply, they realised that a bad reputation of a consuming good they wanted (and needed) to sell has impacts on demand. De Beers response to face this problem was taking a key role in the implementation of the Kimberley Process which is an international certification scheme that is aimed at controlling the rough diamond trade. It requires a governmental certification of any shipments of rough diamonds proving that diamonds are free from blood – so to say not sold to prolong a conflict. De Beers efforts were being rewarded in January 2001 when Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General praised the company saying that they â€Å"set an example with its response to criticism of the diamond trade in Africa and its efforts to ensure that traders and consumers of diamonds will no longer unwittingly help to finance warlords† (Irwin, 2001). To recapture the erstwhile good reputation of De Beers they presented two more novelties. Forevermark De Beers needed to establish a brand name first in Europe later in the US. Therefore the company formed a strategic alliance with Moà «t Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) a French luxury goods group (Irwin, 2001). In the hope of creating globally a differentiation between De Beers Forevermark diamonds and stones one can purchase via internet the company put a lot of money into marketing strategies and campaigns to publicise the new brand and create an association with the utterly luxurious high class. A feature that lived through the entire time frame of this partnership is that De Beers jewellery always has been and will be sold exclusively in special De Beers stores. Downloadable Reports In 2001 De Beers published on their website the very first time an annual report revealing details about the workings and profits of the company. It is said that it is â€Å"the most comprehensive view [] that has ever been published† (Irwin, 2001). The intention of this published report was the direct address to shareholders of which a great part resided in the US. Two years later, in 2003, De Beers independent arm the DTC implemented the â€Å"Supplier of Choice† strategy – another project in their strategy shift. It is a sales programme aimed at selecting clients (sightholders) for De Beers. There are special sightholder selection criteria and considerations that provide a framework enabling the DTC to make an objective valuation of applicants. This method contributes to an allocation considered as fair and efficient (De Beers Group, 2008). The next big change in the company was the change of the Managing Director. Gary Ralfe tried his best to help De Beers not to go down fighting within this highly competitive environment over years. He wanted to transform the once successful business steeped in history into a modern competitive market player that at one point can regain a position they once held. Since Gary Ralfe retired in 2006 he could not finish his projects whereas his successor Gareth Penny now was charged with them. And it was this director change that breathed new life into the company. Gareth Penny, who beforehand was the director of sales and marketing of the DTC, his new role as MD was now to face all the issues that Gary Ralfe tried to antagonise. Penny first started to put new efforts on De Beers role in the Kimberley Process, always emphasising that De Beers only trades and sells conflict-free diamonds. To remove any doubts clients might have about the diamonds origin of De Beers jewellery the company in troduced in 2006 the De Beers Passport. This passport accompanies every diamond purchase and certifies that the sold jewellery is certainly blood free. It is the first and only company offering such a certification to clients (De Beers Jewellers, 2009). The second main achievement of Pennys business reshaping plan is a higher concentration on the joint ventures with African governments. Between De Beers and the Government of Botswana a joint venture has been agreed in 1969, 40 years ago (De Beers Group, 2009). Since 1992 this joint venture is called Debswana (cp. Fig.13). A very important step was taken in May 2006 when the Government of Botswana and De Beers signed three very meaningful agreements. Those comprised a regeneration of mining licenses for 25 years, a prolongation of the selling contract for five years and the establishment of the DTC Botswana. It was in the same year that De Beers bettered their diamond production record producing in total 34.3 million carats (De Beers Group, 2008). But the relationship was even more intensified in 2008 when De Beers moved its diamond-sorting facility to Botswana. This facility is the worlds largest and most innovative sorting institution avouching for the precious stones to stay in t he country for a little longer (OConnell, 2009). De Beers or better Gareth Penny does create a lot of good for the country since Botswana counted for a long time to the worlds poorest countries in terms of living condition and development rate. Meanwhile Botswana displays economic growth rates that are highest on a global scale (Morapedi, 2009). De Beers cooperation with the government thereby all foreign direct investment they put in the country forwarded growth within four decades. Nowadays Debswana is the countrys largest non-government employer, since they are giving 25% of the residents a place to work (Morapedi, 2009). Investing in diamond production, De Beers aid contributes to export revenues of 76%. The diamonds create nearly half of the government revenues and they account for a third of Botswanas GDP (Morapedi, 2009). Apart from any foreign direct investment in Africa and conflict free diamond issues an important point to mention last is that Penny always has been very keen on stimulating technology development. Supporting those processes financially the general idea behind was the aim to keep down production and sorting costs. Impacts of 10 years reshaping measures Although all the measures of reshaping the company sound very promising, one would expect a growth in profits and reputation. But these apparently obvious consequences of all the efforts cannot be proven since the strategy shift also affects the companys value chain in a somewhat negative way. One can see the financial situation of De Beers over the past five years. Since 2005 the profits are decreasing continuously whereas the decrease rate of the total costs is minimal, so to say not evident. This phenomenon is going to be proven in the following. decreasing market share The macro-environmental factors that came up throughout the 1990 years are the cause for the negative development of De Beers market share. Summarised, the single reasons were: discovery of rich deposits in Canada emergence of new competition taste shift among customers economic decline in consuming regions and the stigma of blood diamonds. customers turn into competitors The DTC sells the rough diamonds to a range of companies. As far as one is in this â€Å"selling process† these companies are customers of De Beers. But since the companies continue manufacturing the stones, selling them to alternative retailers the diamonds are at one point offered on the market as well as De Beers jewellery. In this sense, De Beers is competing with its customers. commitment to corporate social responsibility De Beers not only concentrates on foreign direct investment in African countries, it also cares for its employees and their families. Among all the activities and measures that are undertaken by De Beers three of them will be highlighted. The employment rate of Historically Disadvantaged South Africans in management roles in the De Beers Consolidated Mines (see Fig.3) was at 45.5% in 2008, the year before at 39% (De Beers, Family of Companies, 2009). The De Beers constant workforce consists of 21.8% women. Nearly one fifth of management positions are filled by females. (De Beers, Family of Companies, 2009). De Beers implemented a disease management programme. Their investment supported additional medical treatment offers outside the insurance scheme to all employees and their relatives. Since the exposure of De Beers employees to especially HIV and Aids is dangerous in terms of the workers and workers families health but also in terms of business continuity. The programme focuses on prevention, treatment and care and support (De Beers, Family of Companies, 2009). Despite all the positives points of De Beers CSR activities the company has to be careful with the amount of money it is investing since costs tend to escalate quite easily In Fig. 14. one could already notice that costs are still too high in proportion to the total revenue of the firm. Even though the profits of De Beers are following a downward trend the company is diligently improving to stay highly innovative and portray a serious competitor on the market. The shift to a new business model of creating demand De Beers has made it to a modern competitive player taking continuously measures to add up to its competitive advantage, e.g. steady development and generation of technologies as well as foreign direct investment. The latter means a huge support of a developing country that certainly needs external aid to improve the economic situation inside the country. Conclusion Throughout this business report it was demonstrated that the firm De Beers always has been a very successful company. From scratch of its operations, De Beers followed well-wrought business concepts. Since the company is British-South African by origin methods to internationalise business operations had been very favourable in terms of creating success. The main aspects, making the business growing were 1st investing directly in African countries such as Botswana and Namibia, 2nd exporting directly to Britain and many other countries and 3rd establishing important joint ventures with e.g. African governments. Although De Beers took great risks operating how it finally did it got a maximum reward possible what is likely to be its secret of a successful business. Through the ages De Beers created itself high reputation among customers, further the firm had a competitive advantage benefitting from operating very early on this particular market. The company enjoyed a protrusion of know-how and knowledge about the market manifesting it by locating itself intelligently. All these points favoured De Beers monopoly which they held over decades. Accidentally the luck has turned. In the late 1980 years and throughout the 1990s an unfortunate series of events should end De Beers success story. With increasing frequency international media casted a poor light on De Beers blaming the company to finance civil wars in African countries such as Sierra Leone or Angola. But De Beers had somehow to get through this period full of obstacles since it had a long track record to defend. Furthermore the firm possessed still a good position on the market. To overcome those problems De Beers responded proactively in initiating a multifaceted strategy shift that was realised progressively throughout a decade from 1999 until today. De Beers had to learn a lot about its business environment since they did not operate as a monopoly any longer. But De Beers has a fair chance having learned from its mistakes within those past ten years. The company is likely to grow out of this challenge and might improve operations and achieve higher profits in the future. But since they have to bear additionally caused costs e.g. by the Supplier of Choice strategy and still compete with their customers who possibly could establish own brands which would diminish De Beers power in sales the company exposes itself to a fight that keeps probably extending over several years. Reference list/Bibliography Anglo American plc. (2009). Diamonds. London: Anglo American plc. Banse, F., Jung, A. (2005). Der Stoff aus dem Kriege sind. medico internationl e.V. Frankfurt: s.n. De Beers. (2005, September 29). A financial overview about De Beers. Presentation to Anglo American Analysts and Investment Banks , 99. London. De Beers Group. (2009, June 23). Botswana and De Beers celebrate a 40-year partnership. From De Beers Website Press Releases. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2009] De Beers Group. (2008). De Beers A diamond is forever. From Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2009] De Beers Jewellers. (2009). The De Beers Difference. From De Beers Jewellery. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 November 2009] De Beers, Family of Companies. (2009). Report to Society 2008. London: De Beers Group. DTC. (2009). DTC Sightholders. From About DTC Sightholders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 November 2009] Epstein, E. J. (1982). The Diamond Invention. [e-Book] London: Hutchinson. Even-Zohar, C. (2006, October 27). Diamond Value Chain. Mining Journal . Irwin, R. (2001, May 7). De Beers in Need of a Polish. brandchannel . Lee, H., Ko, H., Mehta, S., Rozwat, A., Smailagic, G. (2007). Marketing Plan. [Online] Available at: [Accessed at 23 November 2009] medico international e.V. (2007). medico-Kampagnen Fatal Transactions. From medico-international. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2009] Morapedi, C. (2009). Botswana and De Beers celebrate a 40-year partnership. Gaborone: De Beers Group. OConnell, P. (2009, January 6). De Beers Multifaceted Strategy Shift. From BusinessWeek. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 November 2009] Porter, M. E. (1998). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. [Book] New York: The Free Press. QuickMBA. (2009). Competitve Advantage. From Quick MBA Strategic Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 October 2009] UNDP. (2009). Statistics of the Human Development Report. From Human Development Reports. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 2009] Williams, L. (2008, January 30). Diamond demand exceeds supply but many juniors still suffering. From Mineweb. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 November 2009]

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Trouble with Stereotyping Essay -- Stereotypes

The Trouble with Stereotyping   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The world has hit a brick wall in human development. People have created a giant system that categorizes people and groups into classes. These classes are then broken down into subdivisions for people’s placement in the world, and everyone’s eyes. Stereotyping has become so prevalent in every persons thoughts that we now base everything we do on it. We base business, home, and social life on a stereotypical view that doesn’t need to be present in life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments,† Robert Heilbroner states that, â€Å"Stereotyping is one way in which we ‘define’ the world in order to see it.† This statement proposes points that people don’t just see people anymore, but the stereotype class they put them in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stereotypes that appear in the business atmosphere are the most prevalent to see. Some of these typecasts are women in the workplace in certain jobs and the type of job they can accomplish or gain with their level of schooling completed. Women are not stereotypically recognized by men to hold high positions in a company. Women could have the same capabilities and maybe even higher qualifications than a man going for the same position, but men label women to be less qualified and have less of a reputation in order to be head of a company. However, this is not true. We need to eliminate the labeling of women. I believe that people’s education should and have no bearing on what everyone can accomplish in a w...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Unemployment in Columbia

Its infamy impacts tourism and trade, despite Colombia being the second largest producer of coffee in the world. The unemployment, especially among the youth, acts like fuel to the fire with regards to Colombians economic uncertainty. The country Itself does have the potential to have a stable economy and at least the minimum acceptable level of public welfare. It will be Interest to analyze why the country Is embroiled In warfare Instead of welfare, which Is why I have chosen It to be the topic of my research. 2. Relationships between selected economic concern and country?Economy/other variables (40 points): According to the US Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) World Fact Book, Colombia had a total work force of about 21. 27 million (2010 estimates). For a country whose population stood at 44,725,543 (2011 CIA estimates this figure is abysmal. The unemployment rate is at 11. 8% (2010 estimates). It is also important to note that nearly half of the country population (45. 5% â€⠀œ 2010 estimates) lives below the poverty line. According to a SEPAL (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) 1 7% of these are homeless.It Is obvious that when a errors remains unemployed for a long time, he or she cannot provide the bare necessities of life for their families. However, the high level of poverty In Colombia Is not just attributed to unemployment alone but to the quality of work that those who are employed have. Nearly 32% of those who state themselves to be employed do not have a formal work contract or access to a healthcare system while 48% hold informal jobs such as street vendors and garbage recyclers (SEPAL). So not only is the population of Colombia plagued with unemployment but those who are employed ark in very low paying jobs.When a person is unable to support his or her family by legal means, they find themselves to be helpless and turn towards illegal trades to earn a living. This applies especially to the youth, who find themselves without an education, without a job and without a bright future prospect. They tend to get Involved in the local drug mafia In one way or the other. Those who are considered Incapable of violence or physical brutality, find work on cocaine farms while the others get Involved In more dangerous aspects of the trade.This draining of possible working populace towards an Illegal sector Tanat Is causing more nary than good to ten overall progress AT ten nature takes its toll on the economy. High unemployment has also led to an increase in the economic class divide among the population. The upper class, which accounts for 20% of the population, accounts for about 75% to 80% of the Gross National Product (GNP). The rest of the 20% GNP is shared between the remaining 80% of the population. Being far richer than the masses, the elite class has access to education, healthcare and security.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Critical Evaluation Essay

â€Å"Now We Can Begin† an essay by Crystal Eastman is a very powerful essay. Eastman makes the point know in her essay that an honest and true feminist no matter where she stands in the movement she will see to the woman’s fight with strength and courage and how it matters in the future and as well as its difference in its approach for the workers fight for industrial freedom. Eastman state â€Å"In fighting for the right to vote most women have tried to be either non-committal or thoroughly respectable on every other subject. Now they can say what they are really after; and what they are after, in common with all the rest of the struggling world, is freedom† (Eastman). The women’s rights movement had many women who fought for women’s rights, some of these women included Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott and many more. These women worked extremely hard as activist for women’s rights. The fight lasted for many years, but they day finally came and women got the right to vote and now they could begin. states â€Å" fortified by the constitutional victory of suffrage reformers in 1920, the handful of new women in Congress embarked on what would become a century-long odyssey to broaden women’s role in government, so that in Catt’s words, they might â€Å"score advantage to their ideals.† The profiles in this book about these pioneer women Members and their successors relate the story of that odyssey during the course of the 20th century and into the 21st century† ( During 1920 Eastman wrote an essay about this very issue. In Eastman’s vie w she is pointing out to her audience what women went thorough as a whole group doing that time frame. This essay was also an appeal to society now that women in the American society had the right to vote that they also be treated just the same as the men in American society that they were a part of. In 1848 there were two things that America was dealing with at the time and those two issues were women’s rights and slavery. During that same time Elizabeth Cady Stanton was head of the Women’s Rights Convention in New  York. It was with much time and effort put into many conferences that the amendment which gave the women the right to vote was written by Susan Anthony, but the amendment was not passed and made law until 1920. During this time is when Crystal Eastman started stating her views and ideas of what she would like to happen. Eastman was there first hand to see that women did not have any rights during her short life so the having the Eastman writing this article is a very valuable trustworthy source as an activist for women’s rights. Crystal Eastman wanted to see change this is obvious seeing how she helped found the International League for Peace and Freedom this group was previously named the Woman’s Peace Party Crystal Eastman served as pr esident of this organization. Eastman states how grateful she is that the law was passed that gave women the right to vote but, that is not all she expressed that she wanted more. East writes this essay playing on the emotions and logical thinking of her audience. Eastman states â€Å"Freedom of choice in occupation and individual economic independence for women: How shall we approach this next feminist objective? First, by breaking down all remaining barriers, actual as well as legal, which make it difficult for women to enter or succeed in the various professions, to go into and get on in business, to learn trades and practice them, to join trades unions† (Eastman). In this essay Eastman makes sure that is known that there is more to women that just staying at home and taking care of the house and caring for children. When reading this essay and the argument that Eastman portrays is a successful essay. Due to the hard work and efforts of Eastman and those before her such as Stanton and Motts the set and laid the foundation for success in the fight of the women’s rights movement gaining equal fair opportunities for women. Works Cited â€Å"Now We Can Begin.† Women’s History – Comprehensive Resources – Biographies, Quotes, Events. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2014. â€Å"The Women’s Rights Movement, 1848-1920 | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives.† US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Customer Service Coordination

Customer Service Coordination Employability Skills Marketing Executive The employer is looking for a Marketing Executive and the focus is on a marketing function. The remuneration package is in the range of  £18,000 to 24,000 per annum plus excellent benefits. The job role is described as follows:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service Coordination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Marketing Executive must prepare and deliver the marketing plan, on time and on budget on an annual basis using liaison with other departments where necessary. The marketing plan includes all the traditional element of the marketing mix, including advertising, tradeshows and exhibitions, public relations, direct mail, search engine optimization, literature and promotional items. Some of the items will be external and require management of third parties (Turner, 2011, p.1). Assessment There is no need to be a mathematical genius to take on this job. But t he application of numeracy for this job is in professional level. Team work is very crucial for this job. I need to establish a professional relationship with the people I am working with. At the same time I need to master self-management because part of the job requires the preparation and delivery of a marketing plan. Business and customer awareness is necessary in order to create an appropriate marketing plan. It also requires a high level of computer literacy in order to use the computer not only to develop the plan but also to deal with search engine optimization needs. Problem solving skills are required because there is a need to interact with heads of various departments. Thus, communication and literacy must be at a professional level. My main problem here is the lack of experience when it comes to the advertising aspect of the job.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Management Information Analyst – Banking Complaints The job is on a contractual basis for six months. The salary is  £18,000 to 23,000 thousand per annum. The job role is described as follows: It requires the design, testing and implementation of operational processes and data systems. Also requires the provision of accurate, high quality reporting enabling the business to make timely and appropriate decisions, resulting in increased business effectiveness and reduced costs. Finally, the job requires effective interrogation and monitoring of management information related complaints, the identification of emerging trends and delivery of root cause analysis of complaints (FPSG Connect, 2011, p.1). Assessment The application of numeracy is in the professional level. Team work is also an important concept to master because this job requires interaction with other people working on the same problem. Self-management is needed in order to pace oneself when it comes to pr oviding time and accurate reports. It also important to have business and customer awareness in order to develop an effective root causes analysis of problems. Communication and literacy skills are dependent on the software used by the company. This also affects the other factors such as problem solving skills and application of IT. The only hurdle in this job is to become familiar with the software and that can be accomplished with a few weeks of training after hiring. Customer Service Coordinator The customer service coordinator is the first person seen by the customers entering the office. The salary for this job is  £13,500 to 18,000. The job role is described as follows: The Customer Service Coordinators is the first face-to-face point of contact for customers entering an A4e Office. Working on the new Work Programme contract, the coordinator will offer a warm and professional welcome, and direct customers to the most appropriate location or to an A4e staff.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service Coordination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The coordinator will effectively control customer flows within the office, maintaining a personal and courteous atmosphere (A43 Limited, 2011, p.1). Assessment The application of numeracy is in the practical level – meaning there is no need to perform calculations using a calculator or computer. Team work is needed but it only requires minimal effort because the work load is not that difficult. Self-management on the other hand is the key factor because the coordinator must be self-aware all the time in relation to the environment and the needs of the customers. Business and customer awareness is also an important factor as this is the area that the employer would measure when it comes to being effective as coordinator. Application of IT, problem solving and communication and literacy only requires the minimum application. This mean s that the job does not require technical and specialised skills in these areas. I have the skills set to accomplish all of the above. Lending Assistant – Banking This job requires the applicant to work closely with the Business Manager of the said bank. The salary is  £18,500 per annum. The job role is described as follows: Assist Business Manager to prepare credit proposals for new and existing borrowing customers. Prepare credit reviews on customer’s standing, business performance and relationship with the bank. Carry out the pre-call and follow-up marketing works. Follow up on account opening for new and existing customers. And to prepare instructions and follow-up letters to surveyors (Wilde Associates, 2011, p.1). Assessment The application of numeracy is at a professional level. This is related to the application of IT because the job requires mastery of the use of software applications such as spreadsheets etc. Team work is not a primary concern because the j ob basically centres on the need to assist the Business Manager. However, business and customer awareness is an important part of the job requirement because it is impossible to prepare credit reviews without this skills set. Problem solving, communication and literacy is a skill that is developed after a few weeks of spending time with the Business Manager as I try to master a system unique to the organisation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Self-management is important in order to meet deadlines and submit accurate reports. There is a need to learn the intricacies of a new system; this would require a few weeks of on the job training but I have the skills set to accomplish all of the above. Business Banking Relationship Officer The job requires a close working relationship with the Senior Business Banking Manager. The basic salary is  £25,000 plus bonus. The job role is described as follows: The applicant must assist the Senior Business Banking Manager in the running of a portfolio of local business customers, helping to build strong relationships and assisting in the acquisition of new customers. The applicant must possess a good understanding of company financials such as balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow statements. The job requires the applicant to develop excellent communication skills with the ability to focus customer needs (The Oakland Partnership Limited, 2011, p.1). Assessment The appli cation of numeracy is in the professional level. This requires understanding of mathematical formulas that would result in generating data used in balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. At the same time the IT application factor is related to the use of software such as spreadsheets and whatever system the bank is using to integrate all pertinent information into one report. Team work is an important concept to master but there is no need to learn how to manage a group because the position requires an assistant role to the Senior Business Banking Manager. Business and customer awareness is needed to address customer needs. The same is true when it comes to problem solving and communication and literacy. These are needed to provide excellent service. I have the skills set to accomplish all of the above. Communication Skills Customer Service Coordinator The customer service coordinator is the first person seen by the customers entering the office. The salary for this job is  £ 13,500 to 18,000. The job role is described as follows: The Customer Service Coordinators is the first face-to-face point of contact for customers entering an A4e Office. Working on the new Work Programme contract, the coordinator will offer a warm and professional welcome, and direct customers to the most appropriate location or to an A4e staff. The coordinator will effectively control customer flows within the office, maintaining a personal and courteous atmosphere (A4e Limited, 2011, p.1). Name Address City, Postal Code August 12, 2011 Harvey Turner HR Department Head A4e Limited Bootle, Sefton UK Dear Mr. Turner: With reference to your advertisement on looking for a Customer Service Coordinator, I submit my candidacy today with the attached curriculum vitae. I have been working as a customer service representative for a reputable bank in London for three years now. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience in the banking industry and use it to serve customers at A4e Limited. I also started my professional life working as an executive assistant. The skills that I acquired from these two jobs would give me enough confidence and knowledge to tackle the problems as a Customer Service Coordinator. But at the same time I look forward to learning the unique way that your company deals with customers. I realise that there are limitations to written communication of this type. Therefore, I look forward to participate in a personal interview. I would then be able to answer your questions. It would also be the best time for me to better present my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you Mr. Turner. Sincerely, Name Name Address City, Postal Code Phone Email Address Career Objective: A highly-trained customer service representative with several years experience working in a London bank. Seeking a position, that will leverage working experience in the field of customer care. E ducation: 2005-2008 Bachelor’s degree in Accounts and Business Administration from the Manchester Business College 2002-2004 Diploma in Business Administration from the Manchester Business College Work Experience: 2003-2004 Executive Assistant Responsibilities: Record and transcribe the minutes of executive meetings; Travel arrangements for CEO; Prepare expense reports; and Responsible for providing back-up data. 2008-2010 Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: Receiving and processing new client accounts; Implement requested changes to existing accounts; and Performing other clerical duties as requested. Management Information Analyst – Banking Complaints The job is on a contractual basis for six months. The salary is  £18,000 to 23,000 thousand per annum. The job role is described as follows: It requires the design, testing and implementation of operational processes and data systems. Also requires the provision of accurate, high quality reporting e nabling the business to make timely and appropriate decisions, resulting in increased business effectiveness and reduced costs. Finally, the job requires effective interrogation and monitoring of management information related complaints, the identification of emerging trends and delivery of root cause analysis of complaints (FPSG Connect, 2011, p.1). Name Address City, Postal Code August 12, 2011 Michael Chesterton HR Department Head FPSG Connect Glasgow, UK Dear Mr. Chesterton: With reference to your advertisement on looking for a Management Information Analyst, I submit my candidacy today with the attached curriculum vitae. I have been working as a customer service representative for a reputable bank in London for three years now. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience in the banking industry and use it to serve customers at your bank. My three-year work experience in the bank exposed me to the different aspects of the banking industry, especially when it comes to dealing with customer complaints. The skills that I acquired from my past employment would give me enough confidence and knowledge to tackle the problems as a Management Information Analyst with specific application on banking complaints. But at the same time I look forward to learning a new system especially if your bank uses particular software that integrates all pertinent information regarding customer information and feedback. I realise that there are limitations to written communication of this type. Therefore, I look forward to participate in a personal interview. I would then be able to answer your questions. It would also be the best time for me to better present my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you Mr. Chesterton. Sincerely, Name Name Address City, Postal Code Phone Email Address Career Objective: A highly-trained customer service representative with several years experience working in a London bank. Seeking a position, that will leverage working experience in the field of customer care. Education: 2005-2008 Bachelor’s degree in Accounts and Business Administration from the Manchester Business College 2002-2004 Diploma in Business Administration from the Manchester Business College Work Experience: 2003-2004 Executive Assistant Responsibilities: Record and transcribe the minutes of executive meetings; Travel arrangements for CEO; Prepare expense reports; and Responsible for providing back-up data. 2008-2010 Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: Receiving and processing new client accounts; Implement requested changes to existing accounts; and Performing other clerical duties as requested. Lending Assistant – Banking This job requires the applicant to work closely with the Business Manager of the said bank. The salary is  £18,500 per annum. The job role is described as follows: Assist Business Manager to prepare credit proposals fo r new and existing borrowing customers. Prepare credit reviews on customer’s standing, business performance and relationship with the bank. Carry out the pre-call and follow-up marketing works. Follow up on account opening for new and existing customers. And to prepare instructions and follow-up letters to surveyors (Wilde Associates, 2011, p.1). Name Address City, Postal Code August 12, 2011 James Blair HR Department Head Wilde Associates London, UK Dear Mr. Blair: With reference to your advertisement on looking for a Lending Assistant, I submit my candidacy today with the attached curriculum vitae. I have been working as a customer service representative for a reputable bank in London for three years now. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience in the banking industry and use it to serve customers at your bank. My three-year work experience in the bank exposed me to the different aspects of the banking industry. I am very interested to serve a s an assistant to the Business Manager. My first experience as a professional was working as an executive assistant to a CEO. This means that I can handle the requirements of the job especially when it comes to creating reports and writing letters to prospective clients. The skills that I acquired from my past employment would give me enough confidence and knowledge to tackle the problems as a Lending Assistant. But at the same time I look forward to learning a new system especially if your bank uses particular software that integrates all pertinent information regarding customer information and feedback. I realise that there are limitations to written communication of this type. Therefore, I look forward to participate in a personal interview. I would then be able to answer your questions. It would also be the best time for me to better present my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you Mr. Blair. Sincerely, Name Name Address City, Postal Code Phone Email Address Career Objective: A highly-trained customer service representative with several years experience working in a London bank. Seeking a position, that will leverage working experience in the field of customer care. Education: 2005-2008 Bachelor’s degree in Accounts and Business Administration from the Manchester Business College 2002-2004 Diploma in Business Administration from the Manchester Business College Work Experience: 2003-2004 Executive Assistant Responsibilities: Record and transcribe the minutes of executive meetings; Travel arrangements for CEO; Prepare expense reports; and Responsible for providing back-up data. 2008-2010 Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: Receiving and processing new client accounts; Implement requested changes to existing accounts; and Performing other clerical duties as requested. Reflective Assessment In any struggle, the battle is half won by those who come prepared (Dikel Roeh m, 2006). Job hunting and applying for a certain position can be compared to a battle, an intense mental and emotional struggle (Gordon, 2009). It is therefore important that the applicant is armed with a well written curriculum vitae (Knaus, 2010). But a curriculum vitae cannot be assembled correctly if the applicant is unable to determine employability skills (Woodward, 2004). It is imperative to undergo a self-assessment exercise in order to determine suitability for a particular job. It is even helpful to know not only the capability of the individual but also the things that interest him or her (Turner, 2006). It would be difficult to thrive and succeed in a job that creates so much unhappiness for the worker. These things have to be internalised before going on a job hunt. If all these things are in order then it is easier to look for a job that can be satisfying and fulfilling for the job seeker. References A4e Limited. (2011). Customer Service Coordinator. Retrie ved from Dikel, M. Roehm, F. (2006). Guide to Internet Job Searching. New York: McGraw-Hill. FPSG Connect. (2011). MI-Analyst-Banking Complaints. Retrieved from Gordon, M. (2009). Job Hunting 101. MN: Two Harbor Press. Knaus, B. (2010). Fearless Job Hunting. CA: New Harbinger Publications. The Oakland Partnership Limited. (2011). Business Banking Relationship Officer. Retrieved from Turner, H. (2011). Marketing Executive. Retrieved from Turner, J. (2006). Job Search Secrets Unlocked. UK: Swenson Publications. Wilde Associates. (2011). Lending Assistant – Banking. Retrieved from nt-banking-939554059?src=search_channel_CJBA Woodward, G. (2004). Winning Job-Hunting Strategies. UK: Trotman and Company Limited.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Economic Report of Ford essays

Economic Report of Ford essays In 1974, there was a large rise in oil prices which gave a large amount of purchasing power to the oil-producing companies. "Inflation, strong demands for credit, and the unwillingness of the monetary authorities to underwrite a continued acceleration of inflation drove interest rates upward, causing a slump in housing."(The Economic Report of the President 1975) Another weakening effect of the higher and "variable" rate of inflation was how uncertain the nation was regarding future rates of price increase. When 1975 began, the unemployment rate was at the highest level it had been in seventeen years. Production and unemployment were declining very fast. To increase business and industry and to create new jobs, Ford proposed a one year tax reduction of $16 billion. He said that three-quarters would go to individuals and one-quarter would be used to promote business investment. Ford said in his 1975 State of the Union Address that "cutting taxes now is essential if we are to turn the economy around. He also proposed a program that he said would "begin to restore our countrys surplus capacity in total energy. In this way we will be able to assure ourselves reliable and adequate energy and help foster a new world energy stability In 1976, the unemployment rate had declined by one percentage point, but it was still too high and must be reduced further. There was a 3.2 percent increase in employment in 1976. Real gross national product (GNP) rose by 6.2 percent, and employment rose by almost 3 million people. In President Fords 1976 State of the Union Address, he asked for additional housing assistance for 500,000 families. He felt that those programs would expand housing opportunities, stimulate construction, and help to house moderate-income ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Seperate Piece Essay Research Paper A

A Seperate Piece Essay, Research Paper A Separate Peace In his book A Separate Peace John Knowles communicates what war truly is. He uses a figure of complex characters in a really complicated secret plan in order to convey the harsh, sad, barbarous, destructive forces of war. The Characters Gene and Finny are used as opposing forces in a battle between that cold world of war-that is World War II in this story-and a separate peace. A peace off from the existent war and all of the awful things that come with it. Through their relationship, that is a battle on both sides form the beginning, Knowles establishes the world of war in all of its kernel. Gene Forrester is established as the force of world which is the war. This thought is established clearly in a drawn-out address Gene gives as the storyteller of the narrative in Chapter Three: Everyone has a minute in history which belongs peculiarly to him. It is the minute when his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him, and subsequently when you say to this individual # 8220 ; the universe today # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; life # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; world # 8221 ; he will presume that you mean this minute, even if it is 50 old ages by. The universe, through his unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the cast of that passing minute everlastingly. ( 32 ) This statement explains that Gene must hold something that is his # 8220 ; stamp. # 8221 ; This cast appears to specify an individual-exemplifying what he stands for. It is found that this is true in the following paragraph where Gene continues, # 8220 ; For me, this moment-four old ages is a minute in history-war the war. The war was and is world for me. I still live and think in its ambiance # 8221 ; ( 32 ) . Later in the same paragraph he goes on to state: America is non, neer has been, and neer will be what the vocals and poems call it, a land of plentifulness. Nylon, meat, gasolene, and steel are rare. There are excessively many occupations and non adequate workers. Money is really easy to gain but instead difficult to pass, because there isn # 8217 ; T really much to purchase. . .The war will ever be fought really far off from America and it will neer terminal. Nothing in America bases still for really long, including the people, who are ever either go forthing or on leave. ( 32 ) This is what Gene stands for in the narrative of A Separate Peace. Gene appears to omnisciently understand the world of war and how it effects people. Throughout the full narrative Gene is used to convey in the destructive world of war into the mundane life at Devon High School where there is an effort to make, and exist in, a separate peace. There is nevertheless rather an resistance to this reality-known by Gene-that is headed by Gene # 8217 ; s best friend Finny. Finny has his ain # 8220 ; reality. # 8221 ; Finny displays this world throughout the whole book merely as Gene acts throughout the whole book. From the position of the storyteller, Gene, Finny # 8217 ; s universe is one where there are a batch of things that Finny does to seek and replace for the existent war. This universe or # 8220 ; world # 8221 ; that Finny creates and exists in is the separate peace spoken of earlier. Finny foremost begins to make this separate peace with games. Because Finny can # 8217 ; T face the world of the existent war these games are representative of the war. Finny makes the regulations so that he can be in these games as a force that is never-say-die. The first game Finny invents is # 8220 ; The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. # 8221 ; This game consists of jumping of the limb of a tree into the river by Devon High School. As the game is invented both Finny and Gene agree to acquire it started they must leap out of the tree and in to the river foremost. Finny allows Gene to leap foremost. This is where there is a foreshadow of the autumn from the separate peace: We were standing on a limb, I a little farther out than Finny. I turned to state something else, some procrastinating comment, something to detain even a few seconds more, and so I realized that in turning I had begun to lose my balance. There was a minute of entire, impersonal terror, and so Finny # 8217 ; s manus shot out and catch my arm, and with my balance restored, the terror instantly disappeared. ( 24 ) In this case Finny is able to salvage Gene from falling out of his universe into Gene # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; reality. # 8221 ; The thought of Gene understanding that this is truly Finny # 8217 ; s universe comes at the beginning of Chapter Three, # 8220 ; Yes, he had practically saved my life. He had besides practically lost it for me. I wouldn # 8217 ; Ts have been on that darn limb except for him. # 8221 ; Here Gene knows that his traveling into Finny # 8217 ; s world could hold wholly taken his world or life off. This game appears to be a replacement for the existent war more and more as Chapter Three advancements. Gene goes on to explicate how he and Finny signed up # 8220 ; trainees # 8221 ; on the topographic point and how they initiated them every dark ( 25 ) . This clearly resembles the basic preparation and initiating of existent soldiers in the war. Finny besides creates another game that substitutes for the existent war: Blitzball. It is known that this game is related to the war because a boy nowadays during the innovation of the game, Bobby Zane, remarks, # 8220 ; Let # 8217 ; s make it hold something to make with the war. # 8221 ; Finny likes this thought and goes with it. He goes on to do up all sorts of regulations. After all of the parts of the game are invented Gene realizes that, # 8220 ; He had unconsciously invented a game which brought his ain athletic gifts to their highest pitch. # 8221 ; What may be even a more of import statement is what Gene says following the last statement # 8221 ; The odds were enormously against the ball bearer, so that Phineas was driven to exceed himself practically every twenty-four hours when he carried the ball. To get away the wolf battalion which all the other participants became he created contraries and misrepresentations and Acts of the Apostless of sheer mass mesmerism which were so extraordinary that they surprised even him. ( 31 ) Finny made up this athletics and he made it so that he could be in control. This is merely like Finny # 8217 ; s universe of separate peace. Finny continues to touch Gene # 8217 ; s world that is the existent war in much the same manner he does in the games he invents. He continues with this subject by truly neer acquiring in problem. He ever has come capturing manner to do up his ain regulations that he can stay by while disobeying the existent regulations. In making this no 1 seems to keep Finny responsible-they neer truly do him abide by the existent regulations. In Chapter Two Finny wears a pink shirt which he explains is an emblem for the bombardment of Central Europe ( 18 ) . He explains that because he has no flag to wing for them-or anything else related-he will have on the pink shirt. Finny avoids holding to conform to the existent regulations in school that twenty-four hours when Mr. Patch-Withers asks Finny about it-surly because he usually disapproves of such rebellious behaviour. Finny once more explains what he explained to Gene and avoids any problem. Gene remarks, # 8220 ; It was mesmerism. I was get downing to see that Phineas could acquire away with anything. # 8221 ; Further grounds of Finny # 8217 ; s ability to do his world-or separate peace-comes on the undermentioned page. Mr. Patch-Withers offers the # 8220 ; traditional term tea to the Upper Middle Class # 8221 ; ( 18 ) . While at this event Finny explains all of his ideas about the bombardment of cardinal Europe. While making so he poses a inquiry to others, # 8220 ; I think we ought to bomb the daytimes out of them, every bit long as we Don # 8217 ; t hit any adult females or kids or old people, don # 8217 ; t you? # 8221 ; He continues, # 8220 ; Or infirmaries. . .And Naturally no schools. Or churches. # 8221 ; An statement over whether such a effort could be accomplished on the physical degree ensues, but what is truly of import is that Finny says this when it truly is non really plausible-and remains rather implausible up until the late 1980s. Finny doesn # 8217 ; t to the full understand the impact of war on people-he doesn # 8217 ; t understand that war kills people physically and mentally and he doesn # 8217 ; t understand that it effects everyone that has a close relationship with the it ( non including himself ) . It effects adult females, kids, old people, infirmaries, churches and schools. Finny has created a false world here and it is emphasized even more on the following page when he says he believes that, # 8220 ; the school is involved in everything that happens in the war, it # 8217 ; s all the same was and the same universe # 8221 ; ( 20 ) . The truth is that the war is partly involved in the war, but non the manner Finny believes it is. Finny has created a separate peace at Devon that he substitutes for the existent war. Meanwhile, Gene understands that the land that the war is being fought on is, # 8220 ; All foreign lands. . .inaccessible except to military mans ; they are obscure, distant, and sealed off as though behind a drape of plastic. # 8221 ; This transition shows us that although Gene may non hold fought in the war and had first manus experiences of the awful devastation of it, he lt ;< p>has perchance the best apprehension he can without being in the war and he appreciates the war for what it is. This is unlike Finny who creates his ain war within Devon-which is truly a separate peace because of its deficiency of the existent features of the existent war. There is turning point in the book at which all of this creative activity of a separate peace that is non the existent war Michigans and the world that Gene knows-the one that is real-begins to go more clear. A really of import event occurs in Chapter Four. One eventide as Gene is analyzing for an test, Finny announces that Leper is traveling to take his first spring from the tree. This requires the attending of Gene. When the male childs get to the tree to leap Finny suggests that he and Gene jump side by side. This is the first clip that we get to see the symbolism of puting Gene # 8217 ; s world next to Finny # 8217 ; s world to compare the two. While on the limb, someway, Gene # 8220 ; jounced the limb # 8221 ; ( 52 ) . Finny fell to the difficult shore violently and # 8220 ; shattered # 8221 ; on of his legs while Gene jumps # 8220 ; with unthinking sureness. # 8221 ; Here we see that when the two worlds are compared side by side Finny # 8217 ; s falls and shatters. Subsequently in that same chapter Gene puts on Finny # 8217 ; s apparels and looks in the mirror to see that he appears to be merely like Finny ( 54 ) . In making this he understands how each of them are fighting to recognize the right world. Finny sees his world and Gene sees his ain but together they are still really similar even though their thoughts about world are different. The chapter continues with Dr. Stanpole uncovering to Gene that, # 8220 ; athleticss are finished # 8221 ; for Finny. This takes off Finny # 8217 ; s manner to make his separate peace. Finny is non present for the beginning of the autumn session at Devon and as a consequence Chapter Six begins with the statement, # 8220 ; Peace had deserted Devon # 8221 ; ( 64 ) . This indicates the deficiency of peace, the peace that the school had come to cognize when Finny was present-a separate peace. With the deficiency of this peace the door is unfastened for the world that is war to enter. Throughout Chapter Six we begin to see more and more of the existent war to ooze into Devon. We find that, # 8220 ; Five of the younger instructors were losing, gone into the war. Mr. Expressway had come in his Naval ensign # 8217 ; s uniform. . . # 8221 ; With all of this go oning Finny is non traveling to give up his world without a battle. Finny finds out that Gene had signed up as an helper to a squad and informs Gene that # 8220 ; if I can # 8217 ; t play athleticss, you # 8217 ; re traveling to play them for me # 8221 ; ( 77 ) . Gene doesn # 8217 ; T put up any statement to this thought because of his deep friendly relationship with Finny. The fact that he has hurt Finny a batch late likely besides has something to make with his deficiency of statement. After all Finny still is his best friend and aching a best friend is difficult to make even when you know that, to uncover the truth, sometimes you have to. His old exchange is forgotten for a piece as school Begins. When it begins to snow two hundred male childs are recruited to assist shovel snow off of the railway paces in a near by town as portion of # 8220 ; the war attempt # 8221 ; ( 88 ) . This is merely the beginning of the war # 8217 ; s ooze into life at Devon. Later in that same chapter we find the war is set uping the male childs even more where Brinker announces, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; m giving it up, I # 8217 ; m traveling to enlist. Tomorrow. # 8221 ; In that same chapter Finny returns to Devon to Gene # 8217 ; s surprise. During their conversation in their room Finny finds out that there are no amahs this semester because of the war. Gene remarks on this, # 8220 ; After all, there is a war on # 8221 ; ( 96 ) . Finny # 8217 ; s intuiting response is, # 8220 ; Is there? # 8221 ; It is difficult to state if Finny is being sarcastic or intending something different than what is sounds like with this remark. One can, nevertheless, know that the fact that he said this is of import because it is in the book at all. With this in head it would do sense that this is a remark on Finny # 8217 ; s deficiency of understanding for the existent war that is happening. Later we find that Gene is believing approximately enlisted to function in the war but he decides no to because he doesn # 8217 ; t want to abandon his friend who he has hurt plenty already. With this in head Gene remarks, as the storyteller, # 8220 ; peace had come back to Devon. # 8221 ; This indicates that Finny # 8217 ; s thoughts of the separate peace had returned and Finny attempts to set up them once more after being off so long. The beginning of Finny # 8217 ; s try to regenerate his separate peace takes topographic point when he tells Gene, # 8220 ; You # 8217 ; re traveling to be the large star now. # 8221 ; Gene is hesitating to take this on and goes on to explicate that athleticss didn # 8217 ; t seem as of import to him with the war on. Finny responds to this, # 8220 ; Have you swallowed all that war material. . . there isn # 8217 ; t any war. # 8221 ; This is the point at which Gene comes to recognize that Finny doesn # 8217 ; t believe there is a existent war traveling on. Finny goes on to do Gene make what he can no longer make: vie physically. He does this in order to maintain the thought of the separate peace alive. The thought of Finny non understanding the war is emphasized more when Finny tells Gene that he is traveling to develop him for the Olympics in 1944. Gene responds by stating Finny # 8220 ; there isn # 8217 ; t traveling to be any Olympic gamess in # 8216 ; 44. That # 8217 ; s merely a twosome old ages off. The war- # 8221 ; Finny # 8217 ; s response is, # 8220 ; Leave your fantasy life out of this. We # 8217 ; re preparing you for the Olympics, buddy, in 1944. # 8221 ; Finny openly defies the thought that there is a war traveling on and that it is set uping people around the universe. The 1944 Olympics do non happen. This is the beginning of the terminal for Finny # 8217 ; s separate peace and the events that follow conveying out the undeniable world of the war. It becomes of all time more evident as Leper enlists and the senior male childs are solicited during the winter months by members of the armed forces recruitment squads. Finny continues his deficiency of belief by acquiring involved with the Winter Carnival. Finny does this in an effort to show everyone the peace that he believes is existent. The terminal of Finny # 8217 ; s separate peace continues though when, during the Winter Carnival, he receives a wire. Gene takes the wire from Finny and reads it, it reads: I HAVE ESCAPED AND NEED HELP. I AM AT CHRISTMAS LOCATION. YOU UNDERSTAND. NO NEED TO RISK ADDRESS HERE. MY SAFETY DEPENDS ON YOU COMING AT ONCE. ( signed ) YOUR BEST Friend, ELWIN LEPER LEPELLIER. Gene goes to see Leper and finds he has changed. The first thing he notices is Leper # 8217 ; s left side of his lip raising involuntarily. Gene comes to happen that Gene abandoned the Army after recognizing that he was traveling to have a Section Eight any ways ( a Section Eight is a discharge because of a deficiency of psychological control ) . It is found that Leper does look to hold mental unwellness and has turned into a violent individual who is really angry-something that Leper decidedly wasn # 8217 ; T before he was in the war. Gene brings the intelligence of Leper # 8217 ; s state of affairs back to the school to put out the undeniable verification of the war. Leper has proven to us that there is a war and that it can kill the organic structure and spirit-it is destructive. The male childs finally come to keep a test with Gene to happen out the truth about the autumn that Finny took from the tree. We neer truly happen out if Gene jounced the limb on intent or if he believes he did-all of this is really equivocal. The most of import event during the meeting is Finny # 8217 ; s realisation though. As the male childs are reasoning to seek and happen the truth Finny says, # 8220 ; I merely wear # 8217 ; t attention. Never head # 8221 ; ( 169 ) . Brinker cries to Finny as he runs off, # 8220 ; Wait a minute! We haven # 8217 ; t heard everything yet. We haven # 8217 ; t got all the facts. # 8221 ; Gene narrates, # 8220 ; The words shocked Phineas into consciousness # 8221 ; ( 169 ) . Finny has become cognizant of the existent truth and runs to the stepss in the hallway and Gene narrates, # 8220 ; Then these separate sounds collided into the general uproar of his organic structure falling clumsily down the white marble steps # 8221 ; ( 169 ) . Finny # 8217 ; s separate peace has fallen-literally and figuratively. The operation that Finny must undergo is purportedly simple. The operation is simple but a complication occurs and Finny dies. With Finny dies his separate peace. With the force of Finny # 8217 ; s separate peace on Devon the war comes fully fledged into Devon in the individual of military personnels from Parachute Riggers # 8217 ; school, who take over the Far Common. Gene recognize this as he walks down the halls to hear the P.T. teachers voice shouting, # 8220 ; Hut! Hew! Hee! Hore! # 8221 ; Indeed Gene # 8217 ; s world is the truth: the war is really existent and really destructive. John Knowles communicates what war truly is. He uses complex characters in a really complicated secret plan in order to convey the harsh, sad, barbarous, destructive forces of war. Gene and Finny # 8217 ; s relationship that includes the resistance illustrates this fact. Their relationship is used by Knowles to set up the awful world of war in all of its kernel.

Friday, October 18, 2019

William James, The Will to Believe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

William James, The Will to Believe - Essay Example James begins his speech by comparing possible reactions to one hypothesis over another. He uses the scientific term of hypothesis to make a point that that anything which a man strives to prove is, after all, a hypothesis which can never really be proven. Choices as to which hypothesis will be chosen are referred to as an option. According to James there are three types of options: it is either living or dead, forced or avoidable, momentous or trivial. Which option is chosen depends upon who it is being proposed to. A live option is one which must make some kind of appeal to personal appeal. A forced option is one in which the chooser must make a choice as opposed to avoiding the circumstance altogether. A momentous option is one which presents a unique opportunity which has the potential to be life-changing. James states that some beliefs are just that: they are faith-based and they are believed regardless of scientific fact or evidence. His examples, such as that of whether or not we believe that pictures of Abraham Lincoln prove his existence or that we are sick when lying abed stricken with rheumatism, point to the finding that most of what we believe is, after all, really subjective.

Principles that teacher use in helping african american english Assignment

Principles that teacher use in helping african american english speaking student to become bidialectal - Assignment Example In order to learn and work well in America, this group is required to learn the standard American English that cuts across all cultures. There are guiding principles of teaching African American English speaking people to become bi-dialectal. The core principle to teaching them Standard English is combining culture, language, and literacy. Standard English should be taught as a second language and not taken as correcting or eroding the native language (Perry and Delpit 80). In order for the learners to appreciate the language, their culture must be studied and encompassed into the curriculum. This would produce a culturally responsive, appropriate, and relevant system of Education (Alim and Baugh 24). Educators that have attempted to teach Standard English to Ebonics as correcting the shortcomings of their native language either have failed to improve the Standard English speaking capability of this group or have achieved very little. In some cases, Blacks have dropped out of the sys tem in protest of the lack of recognition or respect for their culture. By studying the culture/language of the American blacks the following can be taken as guiding principles of teaching them Standard English (Hudley, Charity Ann and Mallinson 70-90). Development of Sensitivity of Rhymes For young learners, teachers can aid them practice nursery rhymes and games, such as hand clapping. To be able to appreciate both Standard English and the local dialect, they should rhyme in both dialects. Teachers may examine the rhyming differences that learners hear and use to increase their sensitivity to sound patterns and become acquainted with the linguistics. In the case of learners in higher grades, teachers may impart the rhyme sensitivity by introducing word games and some aspects of verbal play into the classroom. This should be done both in Standard and African American English. Students can also learn rhyming through composing poems and lyrics, analyzing them and writing reviews (Ali m and Baugh 19). Students should be allowed to compose songs in their dialect especially in hip hop style they are famously known of. They should recite these in front of the class. Learners should then discuss how words that rhyme in their native dialect are similar or different from those of the Standard English. They should also be encouraged to write reviews of songs or poems and take note of instances where the composer used Standard English or African American English. The exercise of composing, analyzing, and writing reviews of songs and poetry enhance knowledge, rhyme sensitivity, and word formation. In a nut shell the teacher is encouraging learners to express themselves both in their native language and the Standard English in order to develop language flexibility. Teachers can also come up with mechanisms that allow learners to compare and contrast lyrics/poems composed in different dialects including their own. Students should keenly explore the styles in the different p oems and also note the advantages and disadvantages of each style. By comparing and contrasting different styles, they appreciate the importance of each dialect and will be encouraged to learn the Standard English because they are aware that their dialect is also recognized alongside the Standard English. Grammar The use of ‘ain’t’ in African American English: - The African American English has phrases that are commonly used that are viewed by the rules of Standard English

Technological progress is a process of replacement and renewal, which Essay

Technological progress is a process of replacement and renewal, which implies for new technology to add value, it must make pre - Essay Example For instance, this was evidences in the 20th century when the agricultural technological process shifted the agrarian revolution to an industrial production workforce in the US. As a result of the progress, US farmers significantly lost their vocation as well as career even if the productivity per acre was enhanced dramatically and the production volume, which amplified with technology. In such situation, farmers are therefore what the industry would refer to as ‘tech-losers’. As the technology ubiquity spreads development worldwide, it usually establishes two categories of people: tech-winners as well as tech-losers. Tech-losers in most cases of cannot be incorporated into the changing technological environment. Many are the times they fear losing their jobs as well as their lifestyles as a result of technology progress (Sood and Tellis, 2005). This per evaluates the whole aspect of technological progress with a clear focus on the manner in which a manager would think a bout the situations if they occur in a mid-sized company. It also evaluates various ways in which managers might try to resolve the issues that arise in the process as well as the indicators that would guide them. Manager’s Perspective on Technological Progress Technological progress is a very paramount issue that managers often evaluate in their companies. Often, with technology surfacing at breakneck speed, it is becomes apparent that no single manager would predict what's around the next corner. More importantly, a particular type of technology has to be forgotten if innovations are made. Nevertheless, life circle remains constant. Usually, when a novel high-tech establishment is born, the older one has to die. Sood and Tellis (2005).established that at times, the loss is a good thing because it brings easier way of doing things as well as elevating companies’ profitability. Nonetheless, sometimes, the departure swirls bittersweet feelings especially if the IT emplo yees had been used to a particular mode of operations. As an IT/IS Manager, major concerns include embracing a system that do not lead to significant errors, curbing identity theft through hacking as well as enhancing workers cooperation among others. Often, IT managers in companies construe technological progress as a path which has one-dimensional as well as with milestones on it. Research indicates that managers agree that the process helps everybody to crosswise especially if one has the intellectual capacity to do so. However, they take this not to be an accurate description. For instance, taking into consideration a flat plane which has two dimensions and without milestones, one would notice that there are outstanding points of accomplishment spotted all over it. Overlay on such a flat surface would be a structure of a branching tree; which signifies culture's progress. Often, culture begins at some point in lieu of its preliminary conditions. Therefore, as it moves, it has to touch on some of the potentials on the flat surface but not all. This implies that is a possibility of getting a new technology which becomes successful replacing an old one. For instance, after innovation, Boeing 707

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Not all Women experience oppression in a uniform way Research Paper

Not all Women experience oppression in a uniform way - Research Paper Example xperience, there is evidence that colored women have experienced the severest form of discrimination in countries such as Canada, and the White women are treated far much better. The history of gender disparities is historical and has punctuated the history of the world. Men have consistently resisted the struggle of women to take up senior positions within the community, and there is evidence that different societies have resisted differently. From this perspective, it is clear that different women have experienced oppression in different proportion and that men have been behind this ordeal. The idea that women are the enemies of their empowerment is acceptable to some extent but only contributes to a small proportion of the problems that women have encountered. Conventional politicians criticize the politics of sisterhood on different relative grounds. They argue that by encouraging women to identify their lives as shaped by patriarchal oppression, feminism has produced images of women being victims outside the forces which have consequently denied their critical involvement in most decision-making processes. Bacak (164) believes that by assimilating the differences between women into a sisterhood of common, shared experiences, power relations between women are under-theorized. Both limited and distorted analyzes of gender are in play. Convincingly, it is notable that contemporary feminists criticize the second wave of politics that promote women as victims (Crenwshaw, 2). The critique, in this case, frustrates the perceived inability of second wave feminists to explore and celebrate womens agency instead of presenting women entirely as victims of masculine prejudice. The critique stresses that women shared status as victims’ acts as a key rhetorical role in generating believes of unity and sisterhood. Nonetheless, Kirkland (89) notes a second wave of feminist driven ideology encourages a gender power relation predominantly altering the difference between men

Building a Fleet of Vehicles That Are Able To Serve the Local Demand Essay

Building a Fleet of Vehicles That Are Able To Serve the Local Demand - Essay Example Such instances can be discouraging and unpleasant to clients; more especially in instances where the clients are used to driving specific kinds of cars. In instances where clients fail to find there preferred cars for rental, they are compelled to either settle for the available cars or seek alternative providers. This is either down-cresting or time consuming depending on the option a client opts for. Zip Car Rental seeks to bridge this gap and ensure clients get value for their services through tailor-made services, in addition to getting satisfactory services. Setting up a car rental company requires earlier acquaintance with the industry and hence prior knowledge of the dynamics affecting the industry. Although starting such a business may be considered easy to start, it actually is not and requires a more problem-oriented approach. The proposed approach to solving the described problem takes into multiple considerations that will enhance the position of the business within the industry. A deeper into the fundamentals of the business reveals that procedures for car rental are way more complicated in terms of sales handling as well as managerial operations. This is, as a matter of fact, due to the fact that it does involve a sale of single inventory units (cars), it instead focuses on the allocation of time for usage of the vehicles. The main features will include: The car rental business is one characterized by lots of risks, not just to those who hire cars but also to the fleet of cars and entire business operations. Consequently, liability insurance is important to secure the business from possible losses resulting from any of the aforementioned risks. For a car rental business, the car fleet is a central asset in ensuring success.  Consequently, it will be important to come up with a fleet of diverse cars that will satisfy the needs of the diverse market.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Technological progress is a process of replacement and renewal, which Essay

Technological progress is a process of replacement and renewal, which implies for new technology to add value, it must make pre - Essay Example For instance, this was evidences in the 20th century when the agricultural technological process shifted the agrarian revolution to an industrial production workforce in the US. As a result of the progress, US farmers significantly lost their vocation as well as career even if the productivity per acre was enhanced dramatically and the production volume, which amplified with technology. In such situation, farmers are therefore what the industry would refer to as ‘tech-losers’. As the technology ubiquity spreads development worldwide, it usually establishes two categories of people: tech-winners as well as tech-losers. Tech-losers in most cases of cannot be incorporated into the changing technological environment. Many are the times they fear losing their jobs as well as their lifestyles as a result of technology progress (Sood and Tellis, 2005). This per evaluates the whole aspect of technological progress with a clear focus on the manner in which a manager would think a bout the situations if they occur in a mid-sized company. It also evaluates various ways in which managers might try to resolve the issues that arise in the process as well as the indicators that would guide them. Manager’s Perspective on Technological Progress Technological progress is a very paramount issue that managers often evaluate in their companies. Often, with technology surfacing at breakneck speed, it is becomes apparent that no single manager would predict what's around the next corner. More importantly, a particular type of technology has to be forgotten if innovations are made. Nevertheless, life circle remains constant. Usually, when a novel high-tech establishment is born, the older one has to die. Sood and Tellis (2005).established that at times, the loss is a good thing because it brings easier way of doing things as well as elevating companies’ profitability. Nonetheless, sometimes, the departure swirls bittersweet feelings especially if the IT emplo yees had been used to a particular mode of operations. As an IT/IS Manager, major concerns include embracing a system that do not lead to significant errors, curbing identity theft through hacking as well as enhancing workers cooperation among others. Often, IT managers in companies construe technological progress as a path which has one-dimensional as well as with milestones on it. Research indicates that managers agree that the process helps everybody to crosswise especially if one has the intellectual capacity to do so. However, they take this not to be an accurate description. For instance, taking into consideration a flat plane which has two dimensions and without milestones, one would notice that there are outstanding points of accomplishment spotted all over it. Overlay on such a flat surface would be a structure of a branching tree; which signifies culture's progress. Often, culture begins at some point in lieu of its preliminary conditions. Therefore, as it moves, it has to touch on some of the potentials on the flat surface but not all. This implies that is a possibility of getting a new technology which becomes successful replacing an old one. For instance, after innovation, Boeing 707

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Building a Fleet of Vehicles That Are Able To Serve the Local Demand Essay

Building a Fleet of Vehicles That Are Able To Serve the Local Demand - Essay Example Such instances can be discouraging and unpleasant to clients; more especially in instances where the clients are used to driving specific kinds of cars. In instances where clients fail to find there preferred cars for rental, they are compelled to either settle for the available cars or seek alternative providers. This is either down-cresting or time consuming depending on the option a client opts for. Zip Car Rental seeks to bridge this gap and ensure clients get value for their services through tailor-made services, in addition to getting satisfactory services. Setting up a car rental company requires earlier acquaintance with the industry and hence prior knowledge of the dynamics affecting the industry. Although starting such a business may be considered easy to start, it actually is not and requires a more problem-oriented approach. The proposed approach to solving the described problem takes into multiple considerations that will enhance the position of the business within the industry. A deeper into the fundamentals of the business reveals that procedures for car rental are way more complicated in terms of sales handling as well as managerial operations. This is, as a matter of fact, due to the fact that it does involve a sale of single inventory units (cars), it instead focuses on the allocation of time for usage of the vehicles. The main features will include: The car rental business is one characterized by lots of risks, not just to those who hire cars but also to the fleet of cars and entire business operations. Consequently, liability insurance is important to secure the business from possible losses resulting from any of the aforementioned risks. For a car rental business, the car fleet is a central asset in ensuring success.  Consequently, it will be important to come up with a fleet of diverse cars that will satisfy the needs of the diverse market.  Ã‚