Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Customer Service Coordination

Customer Service Coordination Employability Skills Marketing Executive The employer is looking for a Marketing Executive and the focus is on a marketing function. The remuneration package is in the range of  £18,000 to 24,000 per annum plus excellent benefits. The job role is described as follows:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service Coordination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Marketing Executive must prepare and deliver the marketing plan, on time and on budget on an annual basis using liaison with other departments where necessary. The marketing plan includes all the traditional element of the marketing mix, including advertising, tradeshows and exhibitions, public relations, direct mail, search engine optimization, literature and promotional items. Some of the items will be external and require management of third parties (Turner, 2011, p.1). Assessment There is no need to be a mathematical genius to take on this job. But t he application of numeracy for this job is in professional level. Team work is very crucial for this job. I need to establish a professional relationship with the people I am working with. At the same time I need to master self-management because part of the job requires the preparation and delivery of a marketing plan. Business and customer awareness is necessary in order to create an appropriate marketing plan. It also requires a high level of computer literacy in order to use the computer not only to develop the plan but also to deal with search engine optimization needs. Problem solving skills are required because there is a need to interact with heads of various departments. Thus, communication and literacy must be at a professional level. My main problem here is the lack of experience when it comes to the advertising aspect of the job.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Management Information Analyst – Banking Complaints The job is on a contractual basis for six months. The salary is  £18,000 to 23,000 thousand per annum. The job role is described as follows: It requires the design, testing and implementation of operational processes and data systems. Also requires the provision of accurate, high quality reporting enabling the business to make timely and appropriate decisions, resulting in increased business effectiveness and reduced costs. Finally, the job requires effective interrogation and monitoring of management information related complaints, the identification of emerging trends and delivery of root cause analysis of complaints (FPSG Connect, 2011, p.1). Assessment The application of numeracy is in the professional level. Team work is also an important concept to master because this job requires interaction with other people working on the same problem. Self-management is needed in order to pace oneself when it comes to pr oviding time and accurate reports. It also important to have business and customer awareness in order to develop an effective root causes analysis of problems. Communication and literacy skills are dependent on the software used by the company. This also affects the other factors such as problem solving skills and application of IT. The only hurdle in this job is to become familiar with the software and that can be accomplished with a few weeks of training after hiring. Customer Service Coordinator The customer service coordinator is the first person seen by the customers entering the office. The salary for this job is  £13,500 to 18,000. The job role is described as follows: The Customer Service Coordinators is the first face-to-face point of contact for customers entering an A4e Office. Working on the new Work Programme contract, the coordinator will offer a warm and professional welcome, and direct customers to the most appropriate location or to an A4e staff.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service Coordination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The coordinator will effectively control customer flows within the office, maintaining a personal and courteous atmosphere (A43 Limited, 2011, p.1). Assessment The application of numeracy is in the practical level – meaning there is no need to perform calculations using a calculator or computer. Team work is needed but it only requires minimal effort because the work load is not that difficult. Self-management on the other hand is the key factor because the coordinator must be self-aware all the time in relation to the environment and the needs of the customers. Business and customer awareness is also an important factor as this is the area that the employer would measure when it comes to being effective as coordinator. Application of IT, problem solving and communication and literacy only requires the minimum application. This mean s that the job does not require technical and specialised skills in these areas. I have the skills set to accomplish all of the above. Lending Assistant – Banking This job requires the applicant to work closely with the Business Manager of the said bank. The salary is  £18,500 per annum. The job role is described as follows: Assist Business Manager to prepare credit proposals for new and existing borrowing customers. Prepare credit reviews on customer’s standing, business performance and relationship with the bank. Carry out the pre-call and follow-up marketing works. Follow up on account opening for new and existing customers. And to prepare instructions and follow-up letters to surveyors (Wilde Associates, 2011, p.1). Assessment The application of numeracy is at a professional level. This is related to the application of IT because the job requires mastery of the use of software applications such as spreadsheets etc. Team work is not a primary concern because the j ob basically centres on the need to assist the Business Manager. However, business and customer awareness is an important part of the job requirement because it is impossible to prepare credit reviews without this skills set. Problem solving, communication and literacy is a skill that is developed after a few weeks of spending time with the Business Manager as I try to master a system unique to the organisation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Self-management is important in order to meet deadlines and submit accurate reports. There is a need to learn the intricacies of a new system; this would require a few weeks of on the job training but I have the skills set to accomplish all of the above. Business Banking Relationship Officer The job requires a close working relationship with the Senior Business Banking Manager. The basic salary is  £25,000 plus bonus. The job role is described as follows: The applicant must assist the Senior Business Banking Manager in the running of a portfolio of local business customers, helping to build strong relationships and assisting in the acquisition of new customers. The applicant must possess a good understanding of company financials such as balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow statements. The job requires the applicant to develop excellent communication skills with the ability to focus customer needs (The Oakland Partnership Limited, 2011, p.1). Assessment The appli cation of numeracy is in the professional level. This requires understanding of mathematical formulas that would result in generating data used in balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. At the same time the IT application factor is related to the use of software such as spreadsheets and whatever system the bank is using to integrate all pertinent information into one report. Team work is an important concept to master but there is no need to learn how to manage a group because the position requires an assistant role to the Senior Business Banking Manager. Business and customer awareness is needed to address customer needs. The same is true when it comes to problem solving and communication and literacy. These are needed to provide excellent service. I have the skills set to accomplish all of the above. Communication Skills Customer Service Coordinator The customer service coordinator is the first person seen by the customers entering the office. The salary for this job is  £ 13,500 to 18,000. The job role is described as follows: The Customer Service Coordinators is the first face-to-face point of contact for customers entering an A4e Office. Working on the new Work Programme contract, the coordinator will offer a warm and professional welcome, and direct customers to the most appropriate location or to an A4e staff. The coordinator will effectively control customer flows within the office, maintaining a personal and courteous atmosphere (A4e Limited, 2011, p.1). Name Address City, Postal Code August 12, 2011 Harvey Turner HR Department Head A4e Limited Bootle, Sefton UK Dear Mr. Turner: With reference to your advertisement on Jobsite.com looking for a Customer Service Coordinator, I submit my candidacy today with the attached curriculum vitae. I have been working as a customer service representative for a reputable bank in London for three years now. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience in the banking industry and use it to serve customers at A4e Limited. I also started my professional life working as an executive assistant. The skills that I acquired from these two jobs would give me enough confidence and knowledge to tackle the problems as a Customer Service Coordinator. But at the same time I look forward to learning the unique way that your company deals with customers. I realise that there are limitations to written communication of this type. Therefore, I look forward to participate in a personal interview. I would then be able to answer your questions. It would also be the best time for me to better present my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you Mr. Turner. Sincerely, Name Name Address City, Postal Code Phone Email Address Career Objective: A highly-trained customer service representative with several years experience working in a London bank. Seeking a position, that will leverage working experience in the field of customer care. E ducation: 2005-2008 Bachelor’s degree in Accounts and Business Administration from the Manchester Business College 2002-2004 Diploma in Business Administration from the Manchester Business College Work Experience: 2003-2004 Executive Assistant Responsibilities: Record and transcribe the minutes of executive meetings; Travel arrangements for CEO; Prepare expense reports; and Responsible for providing back-up data. 2008-2010 Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: Receiving and processing new client accounts; Implement requested changes to existing accounts; and Performing other clerical duties as requested. Management Information Analyst – Banking Complaints The job is on a contractual basis for six months. The salary is  £18,000 to 23,000 thousand per annum. The job role is described as follows: It requires the design, testing and implementation of operational processes and data systems. Also requires the provision of accurate, high quality reporting e nabling the business to make timely and appropriate decisions, resulting in increased business effectiveness and reduced costs. Finally, the job requires effective interrogation and monitoring of management information related complaints, the identification of emerging trends and delivery of root cause analysis of complaints (FPSG Connect, 2011, p.1). Name Address City, Postal Code August 12, 2011 Michael Chesterton HR Department Head FPSG Connect Glasgow, UK Dear Mr. Chesterton: With reference to your advertisement on Jobsite.com looking for a Management Information Analyst, I submit my candidacy today with the attached curriculum vitae. I have been working as a customer service representative for a reputable bank in London for three years now. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience in the banking industry and use it to serve customers at your bank. My three-year work experience in the bank exposed me to the different aspects of the banking industry, especially when it comes to dealing with customer complaints. The skills that I acquired from my past employment would give me enough confidence and knowledge to tackle the problems as a Management Information Analyst with specific application on banking complaints. But at the same time I look forward to learning a new system especially if your bank uses particular software that integrates all pertinent information regarding customer information and feedback. I realise that there are limitations to written communication of this type. Therefore, I look forward to participate in a personal interview. I would then be able to answer your questions. It would also be the best time for me to better present my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you Mr. Chesterton. Sincerely, Name Name Address City, Postal Code Phone Email Address Career Objective: A highly-trained customer service representative with several years experience working in a London bank. Seeking a position, that will leverage working experience in the field of customer care. Education: 2005-2008 Bachelor’s degree in Accounts and Business Administration from the Manchester Business College 2002-2004 Diploma in Business Administration from the Manchester Business College Work Experience: 2003-2004 Executive Assistant Responsibilities: Record and transcribe the minutes of executive meetings; Travel arrangements for CEO; Prepare expense reports; and Responsible for providing back-up data. 2008-2010 Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: Receiving and processing new client accounts; Implement requested changes to existing accounts; and Performing other clerical duties as requested. Lending Assistant – Banking This job requires the applicant to work closely with the Business Manager of the said bank. The salary is  £18,500 per annum. The job role is described as follows: Assist Business Manager to prepare credit proposals fo r new and existing borrowing customers. Prepare credit reviews on customer’s standing, business performance and relationship with the bank. Carry out the pre-call and follow-up marketing works. Follow up on account opening for new and existing customers. And to prepare instructions and follow-up letters to surveyors (Wilde Associates, 2011, p.1). Name Address City, Postal Code August 12, 2011 James Blair HR Department Head Wilde Associates London, UK Dear Mr. Blair: With reference to your advertisement on Jobsite.com looking for a Lending Assistant, I submit my candidacy today with the attached curriculum vitae. I have been working as a customer service representative for a reputable bank in London for three years now. Ideally, this position will enable me to use my experience in the banking industry and use it to serve customers at your bank. My three-year work experience in the bank exposed me to the different aspects of the banking industry. I am very interested to serve a s an assistant to the Business Manager. My first experience as a professional was working as an executive assistant to a CEO. This means that I can handle the requirements of the job especially when it comes to creating reports and writing letters to prospective clients. The skills that I acquired from my past employment would give me enough confidence and knowledge to tackle the problems as a Lending Assistant. But at the same time I look forward to learning a new system especially if your bank uses particular software that integrates all pertinent information regarding customer information and feedback. I realise that there are limitations to written communication of this type. Therefore, I look forward to participate in a personal interview. I would then be able to answer your questions. It would also be the best time for me to better present my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you Mr. Blair. Sincerely, Name Name Address City, Postal Code Phone Email Address Career Objective: A highly-trained customer service representative with several years experience working in a London bank. Seeking a position, that will leverage working experience in the field of customer care. Education: 2005-2008 Bachelor’s degree in Accounts and Business Administration from the Manchester Business College 2002-2004 Diploma in Business Administration from the Manchester Business College Work Experience: 2003-2004 Executive Assistant Responsibilities: Record and transcribe the minutes of executive meetings; Travel arrangements for CEO; Prepare expense reports; and Responsible for providing back-up data. 2008-2010 Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: Receiving and processing new client accounts; Implement requested changes to existing accounts; and Performing other clerical duties as requested. Reflective Assessment In any struggle, the battle is half won by those who come prepared (Dikel Roeh m, 2006). Job hunting and applying for a certain position can be compared to a battle, an intense mental and emotional struggle (Gordon, 2009). It is therefore important that the applicant is armed with a well written curriculum vitae (Knaus, 2010). But a curriculum vitae cannot be assembled correctly if the applicant is unable to determine employability skills (Woodward, 2004). It is imperative to undergo a self-assessment exercise in order to determine suitability for a particular job. It is even helpful to know not only the capability of the individual but also the things that interest him or her (Turner, 2006). It would be difficult to thrive and succeed in a job that creates so much unhappiness for the worker. These things have to be internalised before going on a job hunt. If all these things are in order then it is easier to look for a job that can be satisfying and fulfilling for the job seeker. References A4e Limited. (2011). Customer Service Coordinator. Jobsite.com Retrie ved from jobsite.co.uk/job/customer-service-coordinator-939643923?src=search Dikel, M. Roehm, F. (2006). Guide to Internet Job Searching. New York: McGraw-Hill. FPSG Connect. (2011). MI-Analyst-Banking Complaints. Jobsite.com Retrieved from jobsite.co.uk/job/mi-analyst-banking-complaints-939693801?src=search Gordon, M. (2009). Job Hunting 101. MN: Two Harbor Press. Knaus, B. (2010). Fearless Job Hunting. CA: New Harbinger Publications. The Oakland Partnership Limited. (2011). Business Banking Relationship Officer. Jobsite.com Retrieved from jobsite.co.uk/job/business-banking-relationship-officer-interesting-opportunity-939675691?src=search_channel_CJBA Turner, H. (2011). Marketing Executive. Jobsite.com Retrieved from jobsite.co.uk/job/marketing-executive-939702137?src=search_channel_MARK Turner, J. (2006). Job Search Secrets Unlocked. UK: Swenson Publications. Wilde Associates. (2011). Lending Assistant – Banking. Jobsite.com Retrieved from jobsite.co.uk/job/lending-assista nt-banking-939554059?src=search_channel_CJBA Woodward, G. (2004). Winning Job-Hunting Strategies. UK: Trotman and Company Limited.

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