Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on Lewis Carrolls Alice Adventures in Wonderland

Aside from the very obvious madness and chaos of the scene, there is also a very stark example of the dream logic displayed in other parts of the story. There is also a sense of the feelings of loneliness. Alice is the only one that seems upset about the unfairness of the situation, especially when she grows back to her full size and everyone turns on her. This shows the separation she has from the other characters in terms of their state of mind. This is also where another aspect of the dream logic comes into play. Alice becomes the center of attention during the trial. When Alice grows back to her normal size, she draws all the attention to herself, the Knave all but forgotten†¦show more content†¦The trial for the Knave of Hearts made Alice feel separate from the other characters and she realizes that she is alone amongst these crazy, mad creatures. To be the only sane person in a world corrupted by the insane is a very terrifying thing. When we dream, our feelings appear quite real and we can often feel things just as strongly as when we are awake. This is why, when we get hurt in a dream, it feels like it actually does hurt. And when we wake, we still feel a slight aching sensation, as if the paint still lingers in our memory, like a phantom. It is not quite tangible, but it is still present in our memory. The feelings Alice must have felt, the fear of being alone is more than likely what caused the dream to shift, ultimately leading to her wake up. This ending is not meant to seem like a fight against good and evil, as there technically are no ‘good’ or ‘evil’ characters in Wonderland as there is no morality. There is only logic and the lack of logic. It is the characters that defy logic that are Alice’s opponents. (Bush) At the end, as well as throughout the novel, Alice attempts to defeat the irrational with logic. Carroll must have seen this last scene as a necessary addition to the story so the natural order o f the universe would be maintained. This shows that amongst all the chaotic and seemingly random occurrences in the novel, there is an undeniable order to theShow MoreRelatedA Pen Name Lewis Carroll1429 Words   |  6 Pages Annan 1 Introduction About the author Charles Dodgson’s also known by his pen name Lewis Carroll was born January 27, 1892 in Daresbury, Cheshire England, and died in 1898 at Guildford, Surrey. He was raised in the country where he was the oldest of eight siblings. He began writing at an early age, mostly as entertainment for his younger siblings. Carroll hadRead MoreLewis Carroll: A Brief Biography785 Words   |  3 PagesLewis Carroll Lewis Carroll was born on January 27, 1832 in Daresbury, England. His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, but is known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll. His mother was Frances Jane Lutwidge and Father was Charles Dodgson and he had a grandfather named Charles Dodgson who was an Army Captain. Lewis Carroll’s father was the Bishop of Elphin. He was the eldest son and third child in a family of seven girls and four boys. In 1846 his education began at a rugby school in Warwickshire,Read MoreA Great Childrens Book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll851 Words   |  3 PagesIn the 1800s a great author created a great book and inspired a different way of writing. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is known as one of best children’s story book. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most famous and enduring childrens classics. The novel is full of whimsical charm, and a feeling for the absurd that is unsurpassed. The book begins with a yo ung girl Alice, bored under a tree in the meadow by a river, reading a book with her sister. Everything seems perfectly normalRead More Differences Between Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass1301 Words   |  6 Pages At the mention of the name Alice, one tends to usually think of the children’s stories by Lewis Carroll. Namely, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are two classic works of children’s literature that for over a century have been read by children and adults alike. These two stories tell the tale of a young girl named Alice who finds herself in peculiar surroundings, where she encounters many different and unusual characters. Although Alice is at the centre of both storiesRead MoreEssay on Lewis Carrolls Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland1268 Words   |  6 PagesLewis Carrolls Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Philosophy – a subject that had driven people insane for as long as humans know their history. All the time people try to find a meaning, and later controvert it. For example, critics view a novel by Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, as a quest for maturity story, Carroll’s view on Victorian Society and even existential meaning on life. All of those interpretations come from philosophical â€Å"drive† of the critics. The truth is thatRead MoreAlice s Wonderland : Carbon Copy1186 Words   |  5 PagesAlice in Wonderland Masterpiece: Carbon Copy Can a perfect Alice movie be made by only mixing and matching aspects of more than one movie? If so, how would it be accomplished? I propose that it can be done and this paper has compile information showing by finding the perfect Alice Character, sticking to the true spirit of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland original story line, incorporating the right visual and special effects, as well as, the best animation, sound, art direction, and the bestRead MoreCurious Appetites : Food, Desire, Gender, And Subjectivity938 Words   |  4 Pages In the article â€Å"Curious Appetites: Food, Desire, Gender, and Subjectivity in Lewis Carroll’s Alice Texts,† Carina Garland takes on a classic childhood book and author. She enlightens the reader on the gender aspects behind the Lewis Carroll books Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. Garland utilizes the knowledge of Carroll’s peculiar and slightly grote sque history of relationships with prepubescent girls and abhorrence of women, linked withRead MoreDifferences Between Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the L1273 Words   |  6 PagesAt the mention of the name Alice, one tends to usually think of the childrens stories by Lewis Carroll. Namely, Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are two classic works of childrens literature that for over a century have been read by children and adults alike. These two stories tell the tale of a young girl named Alice who finds herself in peculiar surroundings, where she encounters many different and unusual characters. Although Alice is at the centre of both storiesRead MoreLewis Carroll s Hidden Presence Of Puberty1540 Words   |  7 PagesLewis Carroll’s Hidden Presence of Puberty The transformations that Alice experiences throughout Lewis Carroll’s, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, display the metaphorical change the protagonist goes through from the stage of childhood to adulthood and the continued struggle to understand her identity. These changes are experienced after Alice follows a white rabbit down his hole and into an incredible world known as Wonderland. This place, although completely fictitious, represents an alternateRead MoreAlices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll2354 Words   |  9 Pagesworld is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson also known as Lewis Carroll. Lewis is acknowledged as one of the best writers that have ever lived; he is also well appreciated in the English culture. Carroll was born on January 27, 1832, in Morphany Lane in the village of Daresbury England. Carroll was the third oldest son of the Reverend Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge. Carroll belonged to a family of eleven children where he was the third o ldest. Lewis Carroll childhood was pleasant. He was always

Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay about Keeping the Family Together in A Raisin In...

Keeping the Family Together in A Raisin In The Sun What a loving mother! Lena Younger, or Mama, is nurturing and supportive when it comes to raising and maintaining a family. Personally speaking, being nurturing means to love, care for, and show concern over someone. Analyzing Mama’s relationships with family members can show us her view on parenting and ultimately show us her devotion to her family. In A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Mama is a nurturing mother who cares for and protects her family in her struggle to keep them unified. Not only does Lena Younger protect Travis from getting yelled at by his mother, but also she protects his feelings. At this point in the play Mama’s nurturing attitude is seen†¦show more content†¦Mama looks at Travis and says that she â€Å"†¦went out and †¦ bought you a house! †¦ It’s going to be yours when you get to be a man† (1417). This gift to Travis serves two purposes. Not only does it provide him with a stepping stone for starting his own family but also it is a tie that will bind the Youngers closer together. Mama knows that money and living space is a difficulty for her family. Mama’s gift to her grandson shows how she is trying to help her family move on and move up in life. Mama’s relationship with Beneatha expresses a sense of nurturing shown in life lessons. A very subtle display of gentleness towards her daughter is in reference to relationships. When Mama inquires about a young African American man her daughter has an interest in, Beneatha tells her mother that he is a fool. Mama’s response is merely â€Å"Well – I guess you better not waste your time with no fools† (1420). Mama’s lack of questioning or second guessing her daughter and her understanding and respecting her view are well received by Beneatha. This sense of nurturing brings them closer together and leaves both mother and daughter happy. Family values are the context of Mama’s second nurturing lesson to Beneatha. After a conflictive encounter with her brother, Beneatha expresses a lack of respect and love for Walter. Lena Younger first quickly ensures that she correctly heard her daughter. Although Mama does not come across as gentle as she has in the past, herShow MoreRelatedA Raisin In The Sun Character Analysis902 Words   |  4 PagesGordon: Segregation vs. Southern Pride Lorraine Hansberry’s â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† touches on many issues African Americans faced in the early to mid-twentieth century. One can analyze Hansberry’s â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† from many angles, and come away with different meanings. While Michelle Gordon focuses more on segregation and housing discrimination that plagued African Americans on Chicago’s Southside in Hansberry’s â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†, William Murray emphasizes on Southern Pride and heritage. ThisRead MoreComparing Soul Food and A Raisin in the Sun Essay655 Words   |  3 PagesComparing Soul Food and A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun and George Tillmans box-office hit Soul Food explore the hardships and trials of black family life, and through the characters, setting, and theme of both the story and the film, the issue of class and the search for community is discussed. The theme indicated in these stories is the search for community. Mama Younger wanted her family to come closer. The more she tried, the farther apart they becameRead MoreElements used in Raisin in the Sun Essay1234 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Drama 160 Term Paper: Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberry’s Raisin in the Sun is a monumental play in the theatrical world. Produced in 1959, it became the first play written by an African-American woman to hit the stage and was later nominated for several Tony Awards. 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The Younger family faces hardships that in the moment seem to tear them apart from one another, but through everything, they stick together. The importance of family is amplified by the choices of Walter and Beneatha because they appear to initiate fatal cracks in the Younger family’sRead MoreEssay on Dreams Deferred in Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun915 Words   |  4 Pagesof A Raisin in the Sun, supports the theme of her play from a montage of, A Dream Deferred, by Langston Hughes. Hughes asks, â€Å"What happens to a dream deferred?† He suggests many alternatives to answering the question. That it might â€Å"dry up like a raisin in the sun,† or â€Å"fester like a sore.† Yet the play maybe more closely related to Hughes final question of the poem, â€Å"Or does it explode?† The play is full of bombs that are explosions of emotion set off by the frustration of the Younger family, whoRead MoreA Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry544 Words   |  2 Pages A raisin in the sun is a book that explains the life of a family that is in hard times but some how gets through it. The Younger family is at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to economic status this affects the whole family and dreams and values, but the one thing they are good at are arguing and keeping their dreams alive by being a family and loving and caring for one another when nobody else does. The book a raisin in the sun written by Lorraine Hansberry is about a family that are

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Bipolar Is A Roller Coaster Of High And Low Emotions

The mood disorder of bipolar is a roller coaster of high and low emotions. Bipolar has many different components and can manifest as either Bipolar I or Bipolar ( Oltmanns Emery, 2015) Bipolar I is described as having one manic episode. ( Oltmanns Emery ,2015) Mania is a disturbance in mood characterized by symptoms as elation, higher self-esteem, hyperactivity and expedited thought process. (Oltmanns Emery, 2015) To have Bipolar II, a person must have at least one depressive episode and a mild manic episode. A depressive episode includes hypomania meaning in bipolar II a person will not have a full blown manic episode. (Oltmanns Emery, 2015) People who have bipolar have a tough time with their emotions, because their emotions are not stable. They oftentimes feel like they are on an emotional roller-coaster because of the erratic ups and downs ( Oltmanns Emery 2015) Bipolar can include varies emotional, cognitive, somatic, and behavioral symptoms that impedes the lives of people. The emotional symptoms for a person who has been diagnosed with bipolar include that the person experiences mania which, again, is an elated mood of extreme joy and the feeling of begin on top of the world ( Oltmanns Emery ,2015) . Additionally, a person with bipolar can also swing to the other side of the emotional spectrum and experience a depressive episode. A depressive episode, as mentioned above, is characterized by extreme sadness and a feeling of hopelessness.Show MoreRelatedAbnormal Psychology : A Study Of Unusual Emotion, Thoughts Or Behavior1443 Words   |  6 PagesAbnormal psychology is the study of unusual emotion, thoughts or behavior. It basically constitutes individual who are not what society would deem as normal and follow the norms of a particular culture. 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What can help calm down the disorder and helpRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Silver Linings Playbook 1389 Words   |  6 PagesA life interchanging from high to low, happy to sad, to the brink of exploding with euphoria to t he lowest low, is the life of a human living with Bipolar disorder. This roller coaster of emotions is inevitable and almost unlikely to cure in terms of later onset. Living with any personality disorder puts strain and hardship on your loved ones and is more then anyone would want to deal with in their short lifetime. These disorders are more common than we know and the way they are treated will determineRead MoreBipolar Disorder1690 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Bipolar Disorder Abstract When many hear the words Bipolar disorder, they immediately think someone is borderline psycho. Known originally as manic depression, Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that creates mood swings that affect an individual’s behavior and emotions, which can result in a lot of pain. 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Mania is a state of frenzied energy or breathless euphoria where a person may have an exaggerated belief that the world is theirs for the taking (Comer, 2011, p. 193). Mania and depression are the two key emotions in mood disorders and most people who have one usually only suffer from depression, which is called unipolarRead MoreAbnormal Psychology : A Study Of Unusual Emotion, Thoughts Or Behavior1787 Words   |  8 PagesAbnormal psychology is the study of unusual emotion, thoughts or behavior. It basically constitutes individual who are not what society would deem as normal and follow the norms of a particular culture. Individuals that are constantly not able to adapt and function properly in various conditions can be viewed as abnormal because a number of factors could be restricting them from functioning effectively in a society. 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This paper will delve in to the mood disorder, particularly bipolar disorder, how it is diagnosed, how it develops, and what it is like to have this disorder. Moods are a common part of everyday life. They fluctuate every second of the day. It is normal to be happy, depressed, content, or even excited dependingRead MoreEssay on Bipolar Illness2556 Words   |  11 PagesBipolar Illness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bipolar illness, also called manic depression, is misdiagnosed on the average of two out of three times; unfortunately it is an illness that kills one in four afflicted persons. Major psychiatric disorders such as bipolar illness make up half of the leading causes of disease related disability in the United States (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bipolar illness is a major psychological disorder characterized by episodes of mania, depression, or mixed moods.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Information Systems Security For Secure Sensitive...

In today’s climate the need to secure sensitive digital data is more important than ever. That is why the discipline I have chosen to pursue is Information Systems Security. The job of an information systems security professional is to keep a company’s data assets available, confidential, and assuring it’s integrity. The primary focus of this field is design, maintain, and implement security procedures and system to secure digital data. As an information systems security professional I would work with computer and security software and hardware in order to secure a company’s important information. I would insure that information is not only secure but also available to those who are authorized to access it. The primary motivation for choosing this career is the growing increase in internet security breaches in the news. I felt that the demand for qualified people for this profession will only increase as more and more information is stored and transmitted digitally. The way data is stored and transmitted digitally over vast networks spanning the globe has always fascinated me. I am excited to learn more about this industry and how to secure it. I was also influenced by friends and family who are currently in computer and networking related fields. The types of writing in this field are varying. They range from technical writing when documenting procedures and processes to more formal styles when responding to or sending emails. You will also use a cadenced type of writingShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Database Security1383 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Database security is the system, processes and procedure that protect the database from unauthorized individual or malicious attacks. The researches on database security has been increased gradually over the years as the most of critical business functionalities and military secrets became digitized. Database is an integral part of the information system and often holds the sensitive data. The database have to be protected from external connections like firewalls or routers on the networkRead More5 Ways to Measure the Quality of Your Cryptography Essay1243 Words   |  5 PagesYour Crypto Introduction Cryptography is definitely become a more mainstream topic today. Almost every device in this world is connected to the internet and sharing information. At the same time of the increasing of number in the device, the number of sensitive data in the information shared between devices, application, and server is also increasing in a larger scale. That information must be protected, so that the sensitive data will remain private. The dominance attack today is not just aboutRead MoreThe Lack of Digital Privacy Essay1031 Words   |  5 Pages With everyone joining the online world your privacy is at even greater risk then ever before. The internet has become part of our everyday lives, from social networking to online transactions. Your privacy is threatened every day. However is our privacy threatened by our own government? According to the pew research data 56% of Americans say that it is acceptable for the NSA to run through millions of Americans phone records in order to prevent terrorism. (Pew Research Center) Many peopleRead MoreEssay about Communication and Technology in the Business Organization1702 Words   |  7 Pages Company websites, blogs, and wikis allow a business to directly communicate with customers. The Internet allows employees to telecommute and work from remote locations. Executives from different countries can use videoconferencing to meet without ever leaving the office. O nline document services such as Google Docs and Microsoft Office Live Workspace allow documents to be created, edited, and stored online for collaboration by multiple people in multiple locations. Web 2.0 innovations includingRead MoreSecurity Incidents And Security Violations2103 Words   |  9 Pagesthat 63,437 security incidents and 1,367 confirmed security breaches had significantly impacted their business. [cite] Even more staggering, over 100 million Americans—that s 1 out of 3 citizens—had their credit or debit card information pilfered by hackers over the course of 4 data breaches between 2013 and 2014 [cite], with confirmed evidence that breaches of this type are increasing. These statistics show that there are serious problems now existing in the realm of information security and theRead MoreAnalysis Of BJG Cybersecurity Consultants1427 Words   |  6 PagesCybersecurity Consultants provide companies with Security Analysis, Security Awareness, and then re commends the right Security Awareness plans for your company. Our mission statement is to provide the best security environment for our customers. Our staff provides world class customer service. Cyber-attacks are any type of offensive maneuver employed by nation-states, individuals, groups, or organizations that targets computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks, and/or personalRead MoreIn The Digital Era, Where Data Happens To Be The Most Important,1830 Words   |  8 Pagesthe digital era, where data happens to be the most important, critical, valuable and at the same time, most vulnerable asset of any enterprise; cyber security becomes one of the most important elements in the startup ecosystem. In the complex online world of ever flowing data where users are getting more educated about issues like privacy policies, terms of use, concerns over sharing persona information online or similar concerns about their banking details, it has become ever more important to deployRead MoreDigital : Digital Signature And Encryption1435 Words   |  6 Pages1. Digital Certificates Digital signature and Encryption together protects data in the internet. Digital signature is the internet ID that is given to a person to identify himself that who is and how they can be trustable. They are used together to protect the data that are confidential from the intruders and threats. A digital certificate is a file on your computer a pair, you can use it to create the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature and seal of the envelope. Each file is divided intoRead MoreIT Security: The Men Behind the Scenes1083 Words   |  5 Pagessupposed to protect this confidential information? The truth is that those in IT security are the ones on the forefront of the underground war on hackers and other threats to national security. Overall, IT security is one of the most precise and important jobs of the modern age. What is IT security? According to, IT security is â€Å"The protection of information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification of information, whether in storage, processing, orRead MoreCyber Attacks On Maritime Targets1468 Words   |  6 PagesDanish government institutions before it was discovered in 2014. Reasons for the ever-increasing security exposure include the growing use and interdependence of computer systems, the relative ease and extreme value of executing attacks, and the exceptional difficulty in identifying the culprits and bringing them to justice. Regrettably, some port authorities contribute to their vulnerability by addressing cyber-security as a technology threat best left to IT professionals. On the contrary, successful

Denmark vs America Free Essays

In this essay I would like to tell about the differences and similarities in Denmark and America. I will tell good stuff and bad stuff, and you will be able to hear my opinoin as well. Denmark and America are way different from each other, but at the same time we’re a bit alike. We will write a custom essay sample on Denmark vs America or any similar topic only for you Order Now We see a lot of teenage movies, and about 95 percent of them are from the states, the other 5 percent are from our own country. We see a lot about the teenage lifestyle through these movies, and no matter if we want or not, then we all create an image in our heads about how the lifestyle is. Now I’m so lucky that I’ve actually tried to live the real teenage life in America, and yes, I would say that the image that I had about the American life, was very true. But there is this thing called drama, which teenage movies love to use as exaggeration. So thank goodness that there’s not all that drama in real life. The coolest thing about high schools in the states is that high schools love to have dances, and they spend a lot of energy into planning them, and they spend a lof of money on them, and high school kids love these dances. Prom, for example, is the most important dance of the year, and everybody is talking about it all year. Here in Denmark we just have a random school dance where everybody drinks their brains out, and can’t remember anything the next day and people is only thinking about wearing the smallest outfits that they can find. I’m tempted to say that the exact opposite is the case in in the states, because in the states they are trying to find the biggest dresses, and they don’t drink. This brings me to the next subject that I want to talk about, alcohol. In America you can’t drink untill you’re twenty-one, where as here on the other side of the world, you can drink when you’re sixteen. I think both these ages are a bit ridiculous, the one in Denmark is too low, and the one in America is too high, it should be around eighteen. One thing that I don’t like about the U. S is all the crime; I know that crime is starting to escalate here in Denmark, but it’s still much worse in the U.  S. People are walking around with guns on them; children get kidnapped daily, which is the worst when that happens. When a child gets kidnapped, it’s all over the news and media, and this is called an Amber Alert. I tried that when I was in America, it was terrifying, police men everywhere, helicopters, news people reporting live twenty-four seven. Unfortunately they didn’t find the kid alive; they found the kid only a few blocks away from its house. America has a ton of fast food restaurants which of course cause all the really fat people, who can barely walk. Here in Denmark we don’t have that many fast food restaurants, but we have the most famous ones, and we’re acyually not skinny anymore. So my conclusion is that Denmark and America are different because of the rules and laws we have in each country, here I’m thinking of the drinking age and drivers license. We like to do the same things, such as school dances and parties, but it will never be the same because of the way we’re raised. How to cite Denmark vs America, Essay examples

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Four-Day Workweek free essay sample

A four-day workweek is an emerging concept that is increasingly getting popular in many large companies. It means working for only four days in a week instead of the usual standard five days. It however does not translate to less work in a day because the workers still maintain the same number of working hours in a week by changing an eight hour work day to a ten hour work day thus maintaining the same wage. This concept like any other new concept has its pros and cons to both the employer and employees. Bammel gives a number of advantages and disadvantages (169). An example of an advantage given is the employees are able to cut costs on fuel because the prolonged working hours helps them evade the heavy traffic during rush hour. A number of disadvantages are also realized from this article. One of them is fewer employees are present at each given time to deal with customers because different employees take offs at different days. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of a Four-Day Workweek or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This kind of arrangement can also be very strenuous and can cause stress. More expenses are also incurred for example for employees with children who will need more money to pay baby sitters and baby care programs during working hours. If a business is considering introducing a four-day workweek, the advantages and disadvantages must be considered. Advantages of a four-day workweek Some advantages include decrease in the use of utilities, saving money and also the utility bills are reduced. All this leads to another advantage of increasing savings. The four-day workweek boosts the morale of the workers. They tend to be more productive under this form of program and this increases the profit margins of the company. Hameed and Paul points out to more of these advantages (3). One of them is that the employees get extra off-days in a year and this way they have more free time to themselves. This leads to another advantage; less absenteeism among the employees because they have more time to themselves to handle their personal problems. This kind of workweek also helps in saving the environment because of less gas emissions. Job satisfaction among workers is also evident and also a decrease in levels of family- work related conflicts. Disadvantages of a four-day workweek According to Maklan a four-day workweek offers great advantages but it also has its share of disadvantages (87). For example the increase in working hours a day leads to employees wanting more breaks and thus a decrease in productivity. A change into a four day workweek could also lead into a drop in sales. Some employers might decide to cut wages if such a program is enforced. It’s also very stressful to jungle a ten hour work day and personal life. Conclusion The advantages and disadvantages of a four day work week need to be very carefully considered in order to avoid overlooking some issues.