Thursday, May 7, 2020

Bipolar Is A Roller Coaster Of High And Low Emotions

The mood disorder of bipolar is a roller coaster of high and low emotions. Bipolar has many different components and can manifest as either Bipolar I or Bipolar ( Oltmanns Emery, 2015) Bipolar I is described as having one manic episode. ( Oltmanns Emery ,2015) Mania is a disturbance in mood characterized by symptoms as elation, higher self-esteem, hyperactivity and expedited thought process. (Oltmanns Emery, 2015) To have Bipolar II, a person must have at least one depressive episode and a mild manic episode. A depressive episode includes hypomania meaning in bipolar II a person will not have a full blown manic episode. (Oltmanns Emery, 2015) People who have bipolar have a tough time with their emotions, because their emotions are not stable. They oftentimes feel like they are on an emotional roller-coaster because of the erratic ups and downs ( Oltmanns Emery 2015) Bipolar can include varies emotional, cognitive, somatic, and behavioral symptoms that impedes the lives of people. The emotional symptoms for a person who has been diagnosed with bipolar include that the person experiences mania which, again, is an elated mood of extreme joy and the feeling of begin on top of the world ( Oltmanns Emery ,2015) . Additionally, a person with bipolar can also swing to the other side of the emotional spectrum and experience a depressive episode. A depressive episode, as mentioned above, is characterized by extreme sadness and a feeling of hopelessness.Show MoreRelatedAbnormal Psychology : A Study Of Unusual Emotion, Thoughts Or Behavior1443 Words   |  6 PagesAbnormal psychology is the study of unusual emotion, thoughts or behavior. It basically constitutes individual who are not what society would deem as normal and follow the norms of a particular culture. 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