Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Information Systems Security For Secure Sensitive...

In today’s climate the need to secure sensitive digital data is more important than ever. That is why the discipline I have chosen to pursue is Information Systems Security. The job of an information systems security professional is to keep a company’s data assets available, confidential, and assuring it’s integrity. The primary focus of this field is design, maintain, and implement security procedures and system to secure digital data. As an information systems security professional I would work with computer and security software and hardware in order to secure a company’s important information. I would insure that information is not only secure but also available to those who are authorized to access it. The primary motivation for choosing this career is the growing increase in internet security breaches in the news. I felt that the demand for qualified people for this profession will only increase as more and more information is stored and transmitted digitally. The way data is stored and transmitted digitally over vast networks spanning the globe has always fascinated me. I am excited to learn more about this industry and how to secure it. I was also influenced by friends and family who are currently in computer and networking related fields. The types of writing in this field are varying. They range from technical writing when documenting procedures and processes to more formal styles when responding to or sending emails. You will also use a cadenced type of writingShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Database Security1383 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Database security is the system, processes and procedure that protect the database from unauthorized individual or malicious attacks. The researches on database security has been increased gradually over the years as the most of critical business functionalities and military secrets became digitized. 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